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This consultation ended 16 February 2015.

Consultation period:
8 December 2014 to 16 February 2015
Last updated:

Summary of outcome

Original consultation

Regulations are being proposed to address the recognised administrative burden associated with the Flood Defence Consents (FDCs) regime for main rivers for England and Wales.

Consultation description

Those wishing to carry out certain works on or near main rivers or sea defences that might impact on flood risk are required to seek prior consent from the Environment Agency (EA) in England and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) in Wales. These consents are known as “flood defence consents”.  

The consultation starts on 10 December and runs for 10 weeks. It is seeking views on various aspects of proposals to integrate flood defence consents into the Environmental Permitting framework in England and Wales.

This consultation is being held on DEFRA.GOV.UK