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Frances Duffy, Chair
Saz Willey, Vice Chair
Bev Smith, member
Dianne Bevan, member 
Kate Watkins, member 
Shan Whitby, Welsh Government
Shereen Williams, SW, Chief Executive, Democracy and Local Boundary Commission (Commission)
Roger Ashton-Winter, RAW, Project Manager, Democracy and Local Boundary Commission


The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales (“Panel”) held a Strategy Day on Tuesday 12 March 2024. 

The Panel holds 2, in person, strategy days each year; 1 in September to agree the year’s draft  annual report and 1 in March to set the agenda for the year ahead.

The aim of the March meeting was for the Panel to:

  • review the past year’s activities and identify areas for improvement
  • discuss issues and priorities for the next year and refer to 3-year strategy
  • consider what evidence the panel may need for future remuneration decisions and identify gaps for future research
  • discuss and review the communication and engagement plan and update priorities for year ahead
  • discuss and review key risks and update against this year’s operational plan

Panel review of last 12 months and planning for year ahead

The Panel reviewed the past 12 months and identified what had gone well, what could be improved and progress against the objectives outlined in the 3 year strategy. It was also an opportunity to hear feedback from new Panel members. 

The Panel agreed priorities for the year ahead, noting that this would be the last annual report before the transfer of its functions to the new Commission. They considered wider context topics such as meeting with the Scottish Local Authorities Remuneration Committee (SLARC) to gain an understanding of their recent report into Councillor Remuneration and heard from the Demographic Health Task and Finish group which is looking into Community and Town Councils. This helped the Panel be aware of the broader context before setting their current work activities.

The Panel discussed and reviewed the stakeholder engagement activity and lessons learned. This informed evidence gathering which the Panel will require to support future remuneration decisions. 

The Panel had a discussion on the research and evidence planning to consider gaps and identify priority areas for research, these included young people, Community and Town Councils reporting, and how there could be better demographic information on the makeup of councillors, which could inform their analysis of the impact of their remuneration policies in achieving a greater diversity of representation.

The communication and engagement plan was reviewed, identifying key activities for the coming year. This included the Panel’s attendance at the One Voice Wales National Awards conference on 27 March and preparation for an exhibition stand to include information leaflet and poster.

The risk register was discussed to ensure all risks are identified and key elements are updated in the operational plan which is actively managed by the Panel and secretariat.


Key actions for the next few months are to:

  • update the risk register and operational plan
  • specify the actions needed to achieve the objectives in the research and evidence plan
  • draw up an action plan to cover transition of the functions to the new Commission

Next meeting

The next meeting of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales will take place on Tuesday 23 April 2024. 

Should you have any matters you wish to raise with the Panel, please do not hesitate to get in touch via the Secretariat by emailing