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  • Laura McAllister
  • Rowan Williams

Commission members

  • Miguela Gonzalez
  • Lauren McEvatt
  • Michael Marmot
  • Albert Owen
  • Philip Rycroft
  • Shavanah Taj
  • Kirsty Williams

Expert Panel

  • Gareth Williams


  • Gareth Morgan, Deputy Director and Head of Secretariat
  • Carys Evans, Adviser
  • Victoria Martin, Policy Lead
  • Ruth Leggett, Head of Communications and Engagement
  • Tessa Hajilambi, Office Manager


  • Anwen Elias
  • Leanne Wood

Item 1: Welcome from the co-chairs

1. The co-chairs welcomed the members to the meeting, and noted apologies from Leanne Wood and Anwen Elias.

Item 2: The interim report

2. The commissioners considered the final draft on the interim report and approved all chapters for translation.

3. The commissioners discussed and agreed launch plans for the interim report. It would include an embargoed launch at the Talking Shop in Merthyr Tydfil, followed by an event with the Community Engagement Fund recipients and a meeting with the First Minister, the Counsel General, and the Leader of Plaid Cymru to formally present the report.

Item 3: Forward planning

4. The commissioners reviewed the list of witnesses for next year and agreed to continue with the current patterns of meetings.

5. The co-chairs noted there would be a dedicated session on 6 December for wider reflections and to look ahead to next year, and a full planning meeting in January.

Item 4: AOB

6. The commissioners agreed that the planned meeting on 23 November would no longer be required.

7. The co-chairs noted the Secretariat would be in touch to confirm meeting dates for the new year.

8. The commission was informed that the engagement contract had been awarded to Beaufort Research. Laura McAllister declared an interest in that the Director of Beaufort Research was her sister, and confirmed she had not had sight of the specification before publication, had no involvement in the assessment of the bids, and would play no part in any future discussions about the engagement contract which could materially benefit Beaufort Research. Laura asked the secretariat to formally record her declaration of interest in the meeting minutes.