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  • Laura McAllister
  • Rowan Williams

Commission members

  • Anwen Elias
  • Miguela Gonzalez
  • Lauren McEvatt
  • Albert Owen
  • Shavanah Taj
  • Leanne Wood

Expert Panel

Gareth Williams

Item 2

  • Rt Hon Gordon Brown
  • Professor Jim Gallagher
  • Scott Dickson

Item 3

  • Darren Millar MS, Chief Whip and Shadow Minister for the Constitution and North Wales, Welsh Conservatives


  • Gareth Morgan, Deputy Director and Head of Secretariat
  • Heulwen Vaughan, Commission Secretary
  • Carys Evans, Adviser
  • Ruth Leggett, Head of Communications and Engagement
  • Tessa Hajilambi, Office Manager
  • Rod Hough, Office Manager


  • Michael Marmot
  • Philip Rycroft
  • Kirsty Williams

Item 1: Welcome from the co-chairs

1. The co-chairs welcomed commissioners and discussed the agenda.

Item 2: Rt Hon Gordon Brown and Professor Jim Gallagher

2. The co-chairs welcomed Gordon Brown, Professor Jim Gallagher and Scott Dickson.

3. Gordon Brown outlined the background to his report, and its role in the Labour Party's policy making process. A core message was constitutional reform as a mechanism for securing stronger and more equitable economic growth across the UK.

4. On the Welsh settlement, the report noted that, in principle, any matters devolved to Scotland could be devolved to Wales. It signalled the work of the Independent Commission in relation to justice and policing.

Item 3: Darren Millar MS, Welsh Conservatives

5. The co-chairs welcomed Darren Millar MS, Welsh Conservative Chief Whip and Shadow Minister for the Constitution and North Wales, inviting him to outline his party's observations on the commission's Interim report.

6. Darren Millar felt the interim report captured the range of views across Wales. The Welsh Conservatives believed in a strong union and were opposed to independence, but recognised there was a conversation to be had, which was why his party was engaging with the commission.

Item 4: AOB

7. The co-chairs thanked the members for their contributions.