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The Independent Advisory Group on the Future Electricity Grid for Wales met on 2 September, 2024. The agenda included community engagement, energy network financing and cable ploughing.

Introductory Discussion 

Recent UK government changes, including the establishment of the National Energy Systems Operator (NESO), and the commissioning of a strategic Spatial Energy Plan were highlighted. The group aims to provide information and direction for policy development on network decisions in Wales, focusing on public awareness and the benefits of grid strengthening.

Community Engagement Plan Update 

The group discussed the need for a significant GB-wide campaign to improve public information and engagement with the energy transition and building of additional infrastructure. ENA provided an early update on their national communications campaign, expected to launch early in 2025

Energy Network Financing

Presentation by Ben Watts and James Stone from Ofgem on the Price Control Framework and Transmission Charges, including costs to consumers.

Cable Ploughing Overview 

Presentation by Jason Thomas and Ben James from ATP Cable Plough on the advantages of cable ploughing for electricity cables of various voltages, with project examples of completed projects using the cable ploughing technique.

Governance information for publishing

Members are asked to review the initial work plan and governance documents so finalised versions can be published on the webpages.