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  • Charles Whitmore (CW) (Chair), Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) / Human Rights Consortium (CW)
  • Rhian Davies  (RD), Disability Wales
  • Jessica Laimann (JL), Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales
  • Katie White (KW), Equality and Human Rights Commission
  • Elisabeth Jones (EJ), Independent Member
  • Alicja Zalesinska (AZ), Tai Pawb
  • Simon Hoffman (SH), Swansea University (tbc)

Welsh Government officials

  • Lorna Hall (LH), Deputy Director 
  • Karyn Pittick (KP), Senior Human Rights policy manager
  • Hena Thorne (HT), Human Rights policy lead
  • Amanda Woodrow (AW), Human Rights Officer (meeting notes)


  • Chrishan Kamalan (CK), Equality and Human Rights Legislation Expert Nazir Afzal (NA), Independent member
  • Sarah Nason (SN), Bangor University

Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed members and requested that any comments on accuracy of previous meeting minutes are emailed to him by close of play on Monday 4th September. Apologies were noted.

Review of the methodology for analysing treaty rights

2.1 Discussion on the substantive analysis of the framework (particular focus on part 3)

2.2 Organising the work involved in piloting of the methodology (CEDAW and/or CRPD?)

Members discussed the framework analysis methodology in detail and concluded:

  • The methodology as drafted will be utilised to analyse CEDAW and CRDP rights.
  • Two subgroups will be established to undertake the analysis led by RD in relation to the CRDP and JL in relation to CEDAW. JL highlighted that she may hand over lead to the new director of WEN Wales when in post, which may cause a delay on completion of analysis of CEDAW.
  • SH and EJ will provide advice (time permitting) to each sub-group specifically on legislative competence in parts 1 and 2 but highlighted that advice is not definitive and it is the responsibility of Welsh Government to obtain full legal advice in respect of competence. 
  • The group may wish to consider the impact/alignment with the Well-being of Future Generations Act in their analysis. 
  • CW will join both sub-groups. Other LOWG members will also participate in the sub-groups, according to member’s availability and preference. 
  • Representation from the human rights policy team will be made in both subgroups. 

CW will provide cloud-based versions of the spreadsheet for the separate CRDP and CEDAW to members as soon as possible.  

AOB and agreeing date / time of the next meeting

CW will liaise with RD and JL to arrange dates for subgroup meetings to take place in September and October.  The next LOWG (all members) meeting will be in   October and a specific date will be arranged in due course. CW will also be attending the next HRAG meeting on 19 September to provide an update for Ministers and group members. 

CW thanked members for the discussions and brought the meeting to a close.

(Note from secretariat, if members would like access to the meeting transcript and chat comments, this can be provided on request).

Action 1: CW to provide cloud-based versions of the spreadsheet versions for the CRPD and CEDAW subgroups.

Action 2: CW to allocate LOWG members to the most appropriate sub-group, dependent on preference and availability. 

Action 3: EJ and SH to attend the CRPD and CEDAW subgroups (time permitting) to provide advice on legislative competence. 

Action 4: Human Rights Policy team to attend subgroups (time permitting) to provide the Welsh Government perspective.

Action 5: CW to liaise with Welsh Government secretariat support on the agreed date for the next LOWG meeting.