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Data on the number of households applying to local authorities for housing assistance under the Housing Wales Act 2014 and the number of households in temporary accommodation for April 2022 to March 2023.

Main points

Figure 1: Households threatened with homelessness, April 2015 to March 2023 [Note 1]


Description of Figure 1: Line chart showing number of households threatened with homelessness, 2015-16 to 2022-23. The figures for 2022-23 are similar to those seen in the previous year.

Source: Statutory Homelessness data collection from local authorities

[Note 1] Homelessness prevention is where a local authority takes positive action to provide housing assistance within 56 days to someone who the authority considers is threatened with homelessness.

  • 9,246 households were threatened with homelessness, similar to the figures seen in 2021-22.
  • Homelessness was successfully prevented for at least 6 months in 59% of cases.

Figure 2: Homeless households owed a duty to help secure accommodation, April 2015 to March 2023 [Note 1]


Description of Figure 2: Line chart showing number of households assessed as homeless and owed a duty to help secure accommodation, 2015-16 to 2022-23. This is an increase of 7% in 2022-23 from the previous year.

Source: Statutory Homelessness data collection from local authorities

[Note 1] Following notification that an applicant is homeless, the local authority will be under a duty (Section 73) to take reasonable steps to help to secure accommodation.

  • 12,537 households were assessed as homeless and owed a duty to help secure accommodation, an increase of 7% on 2021-22.
  • Homeless households were successfully helped to secure accommodation in 30% of cases.

Figure 3: Homeless households, unintentionally homeless and in priority need, April 2015 to March 2023 [Note 1]


Description of Figure 3: Line graph showing an increase each year in the number of households assessed as unintentionally homeless and in priority need, 2015-16 to 2022-23. 

Source: Statutory Homelessness data collection from local authorities

[Note 1] If the household is homeless, has a priority need and is unintentionally homeless, the local authority will be under a duty (Section 75) to secure suitable accommodation.

  • 5,094 households were identified as unintentionally homeless and in priority need, a 25% increase on 2021-22.
  • Homeless households accepted an offer of settled suitable accommodation in 71% of cases.

Temporary accommodation

  • At 31 March 2023, 5,481 households were placed in temporary accommodation, an increase of 23% on March 2022.
  • At 31 March 2023, 2,187 households were placed in temporary B&B accommodation, an increase of 29% on March 2022.

Further information

Additional information is available within the accompanying quality report.


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Craig McLeod

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.


Telephone: 0300 025 8099

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