Statistics, Document
Healthy Child Wales Programme (contacts with children): July to September 2024
Healthy Child Wales Programme is a universal health programme for all families with children aged 0 to 7 for July to September 2024.
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Main points
Figure 1: Quarterly Healthy Child Wales Programme contact completion rate, October 2016 to September 2024
Description of Figure 1: A line chart which shows that the percentage of contacts completed has steadily increased for the most part since the start of programme.
Source: National Community Child Health Database (NCCHD)
- Overall, 80.8% of eligible children received a Healthy Child Wales contact in the quarter July to September 2024, this is an increase of 1.0% on the previous quarter and is the highest quarter on record.
- A higher percentage of eligible children received contacts than in the previous quarter for 6 of the 9 contact points, and the contacts at 12 weeks, 27 months and 3.5 years set new record highs.
- The contact point at 3.5 years continued to increase this quarter to 75.0%, 2.8 percentage points up on the previous quarter, an increase of 17.4 percentage points on the same quarter last year, and 39.9 percentage points on the first quarter for which there is comparable data (October to December 2016).
- There was a decrease in contacts at 10 to 14 days to 88.4%, 1.0 percentage points from the previous quarter and 4.5 percentage points from the same quarter last year.
Contact details
Statistician: Annie Campbell
Media: 0300 025 8099