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1. Background

The Welsh Government and the Government of Québec invite you to submit an application for financial support to carry out a cooperation project as part of the fifth Wales-Québec Joint Call for Proposals.

Following the Declaration of Intent on collaboration between the Welsh Government and the Government of Québec signed on 25 February 2020 the Welsh Government and the Government of Québec jointly developed a call for proposals originally covering the fields of research, innovation, and sustainability.

Due to the importance and intangible benefit of our artistic and cultural organisations to society in both Wales and Québec, the Call was broadened to include projects in arts and culture, encouraging organisations working in the creative sectors in Wales and Québec to apply.

Following the success of 4 consecutive calls for proposals, this year we are thrilled to announce a 5th Joint Call for Proposals for 2024.

2. Objectives

The joint Call for Proposals between the parties seeks to foster and grow collaborative links between Wales and Québec by:

  • promoting sustainable development in each society
  • promoting cooperation between research centres and researchers in targeted fields of interest on both sides
  • promoting cooperation in economic development in priority areas of mutual interest
  • supporting the work of our creative sectors to showcase our respective unique cultural heritages
  • favouring a better mutual understanding through the consolidation of networks and sharing of expertise.

3. Sectors of cooperation

The present call for proposals is open to all sectors in sustainability, research and innovation, and culture. Certain fields will be prioritised but applications will not be limited to:

Economy, Science and Innovation

For example:

  • Decarbonisation (clean energies, electrification of transport, recycling and circular economy)
  • Life Sciences (telemedicine, genomics, medical technologies, biotechnologies)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Digital technologies
  • Advanced materials and manufacturing, especially in aerospace
  • Agri-food/Agri-tech

Arts and Culture

For example:

  • Audiovisual
  • Literature and publishing
  • Performing Arts
  • Digital and Creative arts
  • Music

These can be reciprocal exchanges between artists and organisations, with the possibility of career or network development for each partner involved, co-productions/co-creations in which each partner is fully involved, or co-direction, co-choreography, co-composition or co-direction projects.

Please note that this call for proposals is open to all these sectors in 2024. Projects will be chosen after a quality-based evaluation and in regards to the criteria mentioned below.

4. Project eligibility criteria

In Wales, the call will be open to applicants who have a permanent base in the country.

In Québec, the head of the project must have Canadian citizenship or have permanent residency.

Projects must:

  • involve one partner from Wales and one partner from Québec
  • be completed within 12 months after the announcement of funding is made or no later than 31 March 2026
  • be submitted as a complete application file both at the Welsh Government International Relations Department, and the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec
  • respect the application submission deadline – applications received after 11:59pm on 29 July 2024 will not be considered.

Specification for 2024 call

The fields of decarbonisation, life sciences, cyber security, artificial intelligence, aerospace, agri-food/agri-tech and arts and culture have been chosen as priority areas. A final report will have to be submitted no later than 31 March 2026.

5. Guidelines and expenses eligible for financial support

Cooperation project support must not substitute the support usually granted by other financing organisations. Please note that financial support per project per year granted by the Government of Québec cannot exceed $7,500 CAD and £4,400 GBP by the Welsh Government.

Please note that the Québec Ministries, governmental agencies or organisations and Québec government companies may apply in calls for projects under the responsibility of the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie. However, the funding granted cannot be used to cover expenses incurred by them and their staff. The funding may only be used to cover costs incurred by external partners from Québec.

The following expenses are eligible:

  • Transportation costs for return travel between Wales and Québec (economy class)
  • Other expenses related to travel and teleconference meetings (visa, insurance, fees for greenhouse gas offsetting, transport of instruments or artworks, etc.)
  • Per diems (hotel and meals) if applicable
  • Publication, promotion and information dissemination fees associated with the project
  • Fees linked to a jointly created work
  • Venue or equipment rental costs
  • Artist fees directly related to proposed project
  • Purchase of material or equipment.

The following expenses are not eligible:

  • Expenses related to an organisation’s operating costs and staff payment
  • Any expense previously covered by financial support from another government programme
  • Regular operating fees of the applicant
  • Expenses incurred before the announcement of the grant
  • Travel costs in first class or business class
  • Fees for excess luggage.

Funding method

This Wales-Québec cooperation uses a separate financing method, meaning that each partner is responsible for the entirety of its expenses in foreign territory. Québec financial support is provided by the Québec Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (MRIF). The grant requested from the Government of Québec must concern only the Québec partner’s expenses (including travel expenses to Wales as well as living expenses). Likewise, the grant requested from the Welsh Government must concern only the expenditure of partners in Wales (including travel expenses to Québec and living expenses).

6. Project evaluation criteria

  • Coherence of project submitted in relation with the objectives stated in the Call for Projects
  • Promotion of sustainable development and principles of sustainability through the project
  • Innovative nature of the project
  • Creation of new partnerships
  • Clarity of stated objectives
  • Timeframe and work programme feasibility
  • Contribution to the sector’s development based on the projected benefits and results
  • Rigour of financial arrangement and diversity of funding sources
  • Balance between the objectives and projected results in view of the work schedule and funding structure
  • Be carried out jointly according to the principle of reciprocity and mutual commitment, both in regards to financing and concrete impacts
  • Foster long-term exchanges and cooperative bonds between Wales and Québec and potentially lead to further funding from other government agencies (United Kingdom or Canada, for example)
  • Result in tangible benefits for both Wales and Québec
  • Lead to the establishment of networks for cooperation.

7. Project presentation and selection

Please note that all the projects must absolutely be submitted separately to both coordinating organisations (being the ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie for the Québec partner and the International Relations Department for the Welsh Government).

Québec and Welsh partners must both fill out the relevant online documents (no other forms will be accepted).

Québec partners link to the form at:
Welsh partners must submit the documents at the latest on the 29 July 2024 via email to:

Download the application form

Inquiries for the Québec partner can be sent to:

M. Steve Boilard

Direction Europe et institutions européennes
Ministère des Relations internationals et de la Francophonie

The Welsh Government and the Government of Québec are responsible for the final selection of the projects and determining the amount of the support granted. Results will be made available to applicants in the autumn of 2024 Please note that decisions are not subject to any appeals.

8. Final report

A final report form will be filled by each organisation and submitted according to the terms connected to this in Wales and Québec respectively.