The Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden has announced £4.5m over the next three years to support the delivery of the culture, heritage and sport goals and actions in the Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.

The Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, Dawn Bowden has announced £4.5 million over the next three years to support the delivery of the culture, heritage and sport goals and actions in the Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.
The Action Plan is part of the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government and the Co-operation Agreement with Plaid Cymru.
More than £2.8 million has been shared between 22 local, regional, national or independently run culture, heritage and sport organisations across Wales.
All projects receiving funding have a focus on co-production, demonstrating a commitment to placing lived experience at the centre of policy, service development and delivery.
The Deputy Minister, said:
Our national and local museums, galleries, libraries, theatres, and sporting venues need to be inclusive of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people and places. Our culture, heritage and sports services must be culturally competent and reflective of the history and contribution made by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people to Welsh society.
I am committed to delivering the goals and actions in the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan and the Programme for Government commitments within my portfolio. I look forward to our continued progress as we deliver meaningful change with and for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people across Wales.
Designated Member, Sian Gwenllian, said:
When launching the Anti Racist Wales Action Plan we committed to take clear and pointed action to deliver our vision. This funding represents an important step towards realising the vision set out in the plan, and the breadth of organisations across Wales who have been awarded funding reflects an exciting opportunity to embed change through all of the projects and initiatives that will be supported.
Sports and the arts can be powerful vehicles for creating meaningful change as we strive to reach our vision for an anti racist Wales. I am glad that through the Co-operation Agreement between Plaid Cymru and the Welsh Government that we have been able to fund so many schemes in all parts of Wales.
The Deputy Minister recently visited Monlife Heritage in Aberavenny and Tŷ Pawb in Wrexham, to hear how they will use the new funding.
MonLife Heritage has received funding to improve interpretation of collections so they honestly tell their complex stories, better representing their links to slavery, colonisation and empire and respect their impact on communities past and present.
Cllr. Sara Burch, Monmouthshire County Council’s cabinet member for Inclusive and Active Communities, said:
We are proud to be part of the Welsh Government’s Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan. Ensuring that our heritage collections are truly representative and reflective of our diverse community is very important.
We are determined that all Monmouthshire’s places of culture, arts and sport should be inclusive places and reflect the tremendous contribution of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic members of the community. We are grateful for Welsh Government funding that will enable MonLife Heritage in Abergavenny Museum and Chepstow Museum to continue this work.
Ty Pawb has received support for the future development of the recently established Multicultural Hub and the funding will support Tŷ Pawb’s Useful Art Space to host a range of activities led by Wrexham’s diverse communities; these will be directed by participants, and will include arts and crafts, music and dance, culinary exchanges, cultural celebrations and other exciting activities.
Cllr Hugh Jones - WCBC Lead Member with responsibility for Tŷ Pawb:
The grant funding award is fantastic news and will be key in supporting us to deliver the outcomes of the Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan.
The funding will support the excellent partnership work being undertaken by Tŷ Pawb, our Community Cohesion team and Race Council Cymru, reaching out to local and regional diverse community groups and empowering them to actively lead and take advantage of cultural, arts, heritage and sport opportunities.
I wish the teams every success with the project and look forward to seeing the development of the exciting new North Wales Multicultural HUB pilot.
£1.67 million has also been awarded to the Welsh Government’s cultural and sport arm’s length bodies.
Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, the Arts Council of Wales, the National Library of Wales, the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales and Sport Wales will use the funding to build on existing and new programmes of activity, accelerating their work on anti-racism at a national level.
Funding for Sport Wales will focus on the development and delivery of anti-racist training over a three-year period. The funding for the National Library of Wales will support several projects, including The Communities of Wales, which tells stories through the lens of people who moved to Wales. And the funding for Amgueddfa Cyrmru will enable more cultural programmes and events to be co-designed with community-based organisations, individuals and artists.
Funding for the Arts Council of Wales will enable the appointment of more Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic creative practitioners and funding for the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Wales will develop the Places We Remember project, which records the heritage of Welsh Asian communities in Wales.
Supportive comments
Professor Uzo Iwobi CBE, Founder and CEO Race Council Cymru:
Race Council Cymru is delighted that its Wrexham Multicultural Hub had worked with partners to propose a brilliant initiative which will make a huge difference to the lives of our front line and grassroots ethnic communities. We are looking forward to the transformational change this grant will bring
Iolanda Viegas, Race Council Cymru, North Wales Representative:
We are very thrilled and grateful for this funding that will support the Multicultural Hub to engage and work with the diverse communities from North Wales.