Upskilling your employees with the Flexible Skills Programme Partnership Projects.
Our programmes may be able to help you with financial support towards upskilling your staff. We currently have specific programmes to help you:
- develop advanced digital skills
- address export related skills challenges
- support skills gaps in the Engineering and Manufacturing Sector
- support skills gaps and upskilling in the Creative Sector
- support the development of skills to help address Net Zero challenges
- support skills gaps and upskilling in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector
- support forestry and timber skills (launched October 2024)
Who is eligible
Your business must be based in Wales, solvent and you must commit to release staff to undertake the requested training by the end of March 2025.
Each element of training must advance the learning of the individuals involved in at least one of the pre-approved training areas.
Each element of training must improve the capability or capacity of the business.
Funding awards are discretionary and the final decision on eligibility rests with the Welsh Government.
Expression of interest
If you think you are eligible and are interested in applying for this funding, please complete the Expression of Interest form and one of our Skills team will respond as soon as possible and no later than 10 working days.
Recently added
We have recently added Forestry and Timber skills. This programme is designed to provide funding support to Wales-based businesses that wish to address skills gaps and upskill their workforce and help develop an agile workforce for the Forestry and Timber Supply Chain in Wales.
Forestry and Timber Skills programme specifics
There is no requirement to use any particular training company (the applicant may choose any certified training provider) but any supported training on this programme must either be accredited or to a recognised industry standard.
Pre-approved training areas
Training that may be supported under the Forestry and Timber Programme includes:
Woodland and tree preparation maintenance and management
Examples include:
- Manually fed Wood-chipper,
- Brushcutters and Trimmers training;
- Safe Handling and Application of Pesticides Guidance (PA1) and Safe Application of Pesticides using Pedestrian Handheld Equipment (PA6)
Chainsaw Maintenance, Crosscutting, Felling and Processing Trees
- Emergency First Aid at Work and Forestry
- Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees
- Mobile Elevated Work Platforms
- Forest Machine Operator
- Technical Award in Basic Tree Survey and Inspection, Drone use
- Safe Use of a Chainsaw from a Mobile Elevated Work Platform.
Large machinery
Examples include:
- Harvesters
- Forwarders
- Telescopic Handlers.
Timber processing
Examples include:
- Timber grading
- Safe Operations (Sawmills).
Digital, IT and comms
Examples include:
- Digital marketing;
- Social media
- Web development
- CAD Design.
Timber technology
Examples include:
- Timber technology
- Engineering and design.
Forestry and timber management training
Examples include:
- Forest Works Manager
- Site Supervisor's Safety Training Scheme
- FSCĀ® ISO 19011 for Auditing.
Each business can make one application to this programme per annum.
Benefits for the business
All approved training courses will attract a 50% contribution towards the total eligible costs from the Welsh Government.
The payment will be made in arrears subject to the provision of the necessary evidence that:
- confirms the individuals fully attended and (or) completed the course
- evidence of the training provider costs and the payment made
Next steps
If you think you are eligible and are interested in applying for this forestry and timber skills funding, please complete the Expression of Interest form (select Net Zero Skills, Agriculture, Forestry, Timber and Land Use) and one of our Skills team will respond as soon as possible and no later than 10 working days.