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The report explores the longer-term impact of the project, including changes in the way schools address supply needs and impacts of the supernumerary role on teachers.

The findings from this follow-up research support the conclusions and recommendations set out in the November 2019 main evaluation report.

The project succeeded in enabling schools to work together to design and innovative arrangements to address teacher absence cover.

Main findings

  • Of the nine cluster leads taking part in the research, two had continued during the third year.
  • School clusters that had continued, reported positive impacts on teaching quality, sharing of good practice between schools and for pupil behaviour.
  • Collaborative working practice established or strengthened during the project had continued between cluster schools.
  • Most supernumerary teachers surveyed felt there had been a positive impact on their confidence, teaching practice and professional learning opportunities.

The report concludes that the project offers advantages to schools during the current coronovirus (COVID-19) context.

  • Flexibility to plan more strategically across school phases.
  • Positive impacts to aid transition of learners to the secondary phase.
  • Prompts collaboration amongst schools beyond supply teaching cover.
  • Benefits for Newly Qualified Teachers improves the quality of teaching.


Evaluation of school based supply clusters: follow-up report , file type: PDF, file size: 1 MB

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Helen Shankster

Telephone: 0300 025 9247

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.


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