The Evidence Units work to improve inequality evidence for individuals with protected and associated characteristics.
To understand inequality in Wales, our strategy emphasises the need for evidence to improve in:
- availability
- quality
- granularity
- accessibility
Improving evidence enables decision makers to develop better informed policies. This can help to improve research and statistics published across the Welsh Government. The end goal being to reduce the inequality experienced by people with protected characteristics.
What we do
We add to existing statistics and research by addressing long-standing challenges with evidence in this area.
We provide:
- guidance to analysts working on policy research and statistics to help apply equality considerations
- support to make cross-cutting equality plans more evidence-driven, such as: the:
- Strategic Equality Plan
- Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan
- LGBTQ+ Action Plan
- Advancing Gender Inequality Action Plan
Our evidence plan is agreed periodically to reflect the current equality priorities. Our plan is also responsive to strategic priorities that arise.
Published evidence
- Ethnic group differences in health, housing, education and economic status in Wales (Census 2021)
- Disabled people’s outcomes in health, housing, education, and economic status (Census 2021)
- Sexual orientation and gender identity differences in health, education and economic status (Census 2021)
- Anti-racist Wales Action Plan: Impact Measurement Framework
- LGBTQ+ Action Plan for Wales: evaluability assessment
Progress updates
See our published list of priorities and our stakeholder updates for progress updates.