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Economy and Infrastructure Secretary, Ken Skates is asking people for their views on the economic priorities needed to  ensure a fairer, more prosperous and more secure Wales.

First published:
9 August 2016
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

The Cabinet Secretary is calling on people, businesses and organisations across Wales to feed in their views, so they can be considered as part of the Welsh Government’s ongoing work to refresh its economic priorities following the recent vote to leave the European Union. 

The Welsh Government is also engaging directly with key partners and a wide variety of businesses on this issue and will be seeking their views and observations  on the best economic priorities for Wales. 

All the information gathered will be used to inform the development of a new strategic direction for Wales’ economy. 

Ken Skates said: 

Wales is currently in a strong economic position. Our employment is at its highest rate on record,  the number of people unemployed has fallen by 30,000 over the last year to its lowest level since 2006, and we are outperforming all other parts of the UK with the sharpest declining rate of unemployment over the past 12 months.

This is excellent news and puts us is a strong position,  however I want to see us building on this success and developing economic priorities that deliver for everyone in Wales. 

Our new  economic priorities will be crucial in helping us respond to the challenges ahead, whilst also enabling us to shout from the rooftops, to Europe and the rest of the world,  that Wales remains open for business.  

I want us to adopt a truly inclusive approach to defining our economic priorities which why I am calling on everyone with a view- individuals, businesses and organisations alike -   to get in touch and help us to build  a fairer, more prosperous, and more secure Wales. I look forward to hearing your views.