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How to respond

Submit your comments by 8 November 2023, in any of the following ways:

  • email
  • post
  • online form

Further information and related documents

Large print, Braille and alternative language versions of this document are available on request.

Contact details

For further information:

Welsh Government
Cathays Park
CF10 3NQ


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Consultation questions

Your name:    

Organisation (if applicable):

email / telephone number:

Your address:

Section 2: A vision for heat in Wales

  1. Vision: Do you agree with our vision? (Yes/No) Please suggest amendments if you think it could be stronger. 
  2. Objectives: The Heat Strategy for Wales policies are broken down into 17 objectives within six groups. Do you agree they adequately cover the areas where Welsh Government needs to focus? (Yes/No) If you think there are any areas missing, please explain what they are.

Section 3: Our enabling framework

  1. Planning: Our Strategy identifies that the current permitted development rights related to heat pumps are a barrier to heat pump installation rollout. Do you agree? (Yes/No) Please explain. 
  2. Planning: Each local authority in Wales is producing a local area energy plan (LAEP).  This strategy proposes the LAEPs should be used to help deliver place-based heat decarbonisation. Do you agree with this approach? (Yes/No) Please provide evidence, where relevant.
  3. Understanding and engagement: Does the strategy suitably address the advice needed to install low carbon heat? (Yes/No) Please explain which groups should be involved in raising awareness and providing advice.
  4. Standards: Do you believe the public available specification (PAS) standards are sufficient to ensure high-quality work and a whole-building approach? (Yes/No) Please explain.  How can the adoption and implementation of these standards be further encouraged?
  5. Skills: Do you agree that Welsh Government has a role in understanding and subsequently supporting the development of the necessary skills for heat decarbonisation? (Yes/No) Please highlight any emerging skills/roles which we should support.
  6. Costs: Do you agree with the position set out in the strategy that the UK Government should move environmental levies from electricity bills to general taxation? (Yes/No) What additional policies should be implemented to ensure a fairer distribution of costs?

Section 4: Transforming our networks

  1. Electricity networks: Do you agree that upgrading Welsh electricity networks for net zero will require clear leadership and plans from Welsh Government and local authorities? (Yes/No) Please explain your reasoning and highlight any further roles for Welsh Government on this challenge.
  2. Heat network zoning: Do you agree that local area energy plans (LAEPs), led by local authorities, is an appropriate method for identifying areas for heat networks? (Yes/No) Please explain.
  3. Heat network connections: Do you agree that new housing developments and large commercial buildings should be required to connect to new district heat networks? (Yes/No) Should small scale, ambient temperature, heat networks be included in this obligation? (Yes/No)
  4. Heat network support: Do you agree heat network development requires further funding and support? (Yes/No) Please explain. 
  5. Hydrogen for heat: The strategy states that based on evidence gathered, heat pumps will be the championed solution for most building heat. Hydrogen’s role will be in defined zones for high-temperature industry, as well as for wider net zero solutions prioritised by how useful hydrogen will be (known as ‘the hydrogen ladder’). Do you agree that a clear statement is needed on hydrogen’s role in meeting Wales’ heat decarbonisation ambitions? (Yes/No) Please explain.

Section 4: Improving the energy performance of our homes

  1. A clear framework: Do you agree that stronger regulation is needed to encourage the uptake of low carbon heat and more energy efficient homes? (Yes/No) What other interventions must be implemented alongside stronger regulation to ensure no one is left behind?
  2. Holistic approach to fuel poverty: The Warm Homes Programme has been offering new gas boilers, where appropriate, to those eligible., Do you agree that our future investments in energy efficiency must, where possible, simultaneously support our heat decarbonisation pathway? (Yes/No) Please explain and expand on opportunities to address fuel poverty holistically.
  3. Traditional buildings: Do you agree that demonstration projects for historic and traditional building retrofit are needed? (Yes/No) Are there further interventions needed to grow the market for traditional building retrofit? 
  4. Smart meters and variable tariffs: Do you agree that emphasis on smart meter rollout and variable tariffs are important to address now, to minimise bills during the transition to low carbon heat? (Yes/No) How best can Welsh Government support this, while advocating for those who are unable to participate in energy flexibility? 
  5. Upfront cost of heat pumps: Do you agree that dedicated long-term finance packages are needed to support the installation of heat pumps? (Yes/No) Please explain.

Section 4: Evolving our businesses

  1. Regulation: Do you agree that stronger regulation is needed to phase out fossil fuel boilers, on and off-grid, in commercial properties? (Yes/No) What other interventions must be implemented alongside this stronger regulation to ensure this transition does not have adverse impact on businesses.
  2. Accelerator programme: Do you agree that an accelerator programme is needed to share best practices and build confidence in low carbon heat, across different commercial building types? (Yes/No) Please explain.
  3. Net zero targets and tracking: Do you agree that heat decarbonisation will require us to foster a culture of transparency and accountability for businesses? (Yes/No) With reference to heat decarbonisation, what more should Welsh Government do to ensure reliable information is communicated to customers?

Section 5: Future-proofing our industry

  1. Industrial roadmaps: Do you agree that we should create decarbonisation roadmaps across key industrial applications, and if so which champion the best available techniques? (Yes/No)  Should Net Zero Industry Wales have a role be in this process? How can the identified techniques be effectively disseminated and further incentivised?
  2. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): As an integral part of the industrial sector, what specific resources or assistance are needed to help industrial SMEs with their heat decarbonisation?
  3. Industrial hydrogen: Do you agree that Welsh Government has a role in understanding and mapping future demand for hydrogen from high temperature industrial heat, to ensure the infrastructure is in place to allow fuel switching? (Yes/No) Please explain and expand on Welsh Government’s role, if applicable.

Section 6: Leading the way with public services

  1. Leading the way: Public buildings provide vital services across Welsh communities. Do you agree that a near-term focus for this Heat Strategy should be to improve resilience, by continuing to decouple our public buildings from fossil fuels and improve their energy efficiency? (Yes/No) How can this help lead the way to decarbonise the rest of Wales’ buildings?
  2. Collaboration: Our Strategy states the need for public bodies to collaborate effectively to ensure successful and cost-effective transitions. How best can Welsh Government support effective collaboration and shared learning?
  3. Resource and skills: We have identified that skills and capacity building in public bodies are essential to support local area energy planning, resource local planning authorities, and deliver the transition on the public estate. Do you agree that the Energy Service is best placed to support this upskilling and provide additional resource? (Yes/No) Please explain.

Section 7: Taking action

  1. Our asks of others: Do you agree that we have identified the main asks of others? (Yes/No) Please explain.
  2. Costs and savings:  The costs set out in the strategy are drawn from the Climate Change Committee analysis.  Is there additional  evidence on the costs and potential savings that we should consider?  
  3. Our routemap: Do you agree that our policies routemap is sufficiently clear? (Yes/No) Please explain.
  4. Our pathway: The strategy is based on the Climate Change Committee’s Balance Pathway.  Do you agree with this approach? (Yes/No) Please explain. 

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