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To help inform the development of the Delivering Digital Inclusion framework, this report presents a synthesis of available evidence on digital inclusion and engagement in Wales.

A programme of analytical work was undertaken consisting of the following strands, all of which are closely interlinked and incorporated in this synthesis report.

Evidence review

An assessment of available evidence regarding the advantages of digital inclusion, the implications of being digitally excluded, and socio-economic and demographic characteristics associated with digital engagement.

Statistical analysis

Statistical analysis of Wales-level data to identify relationships between digital engagement and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. The evidence review helped inform which characteristics were included as variables in the subsequent analyses.

Small area mapping

Analysis and mapping of digital inclusion and exclusion in Wales at small area level; and profiles of digitally included and excluded populations in all local authorities in Wales.


Digital inclusion - Analysis package , file type: PDF, file size: 542 KB

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Digital inclusion rates by Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) , file type: XLSX, file size: 484 KB

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Digital inclusion portrait reports , file type: XLS, file size: 6 MB

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