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This research report contributes to setting foundations for future developments in decarbonisation of Industry and Business in Wales.

In December 2021, Welsh Government commissioned Miller Research to undertake research into the decarbonisation of Industry and Business. This research was focused on how existing data sources could be improved or supplemented to expand the understanding of greenhouse gas emissions.

The first report draws on a series of scoping interviews with Welsh Government officials and other key stakeholders alongside an analysis of the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory and other data sources. 

The report highlights several challenges involved in accurately estimating business and industry emissions in Wales. A set of recommendations to overcome these challenges are put forward. These include data electronification, expanding data collection, and incorporating existing data sources. 

The second report, ‘Air emissions and energy accounts for Wales: methodology and results’, was commissioned in 2021 from Ricardo Energy & Environment. The second report outlines the inventory of atmospheric emissions and energy use within Wales and is the foundation of the Air and Energy Accounts for Wales. 

The final publication is the data connected to the second report.


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Air emissions and energy accounts for Wales: methodology and results , file type: PDF, file size: 572 KB

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Datasets and interactive tools


Neil Waghorn

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome correspondence in Welsh.


Telephone: 0300 025 8099

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