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The group looks at ways to collect data to check the impact of the act on organisations and public services.


These terms of reference were first drawn up while the Bill was in the Senedd; they have now been updated following Royal Assent to refer to the Act and timescale for commencement.

Purpose of the group

The purpose of the group is to consider methods for collecting data across organisations to monitor the impacts of the legislation on public services and other organisations.

This will include considering the data items, data collection points and IT systems required to evidence the impact and costs of the legislation on public services if the law changes. The objective of the group is to collect data for monitoring the impact on public services and other organisations.

Governance arrangements

The Task and Finish Group will report to the Strategic Implementation Group and be co-chaired by a member of the group and a Welsh Government official. The co-chairs, through the Welsh Government, will co-ordinate reporting and updates to the Strategic Implementation Group after each Task and Finish Group meeting and or at appropriate points through the project.

Timings and key dates

The first meeting of the group took place on 9 July 2019, the group should decide the frequency of meetings throughout the lifetime of the project. The work of the group should be concluded in time to ensure that baseline data collection across the required organisations is in place by no later than the end of March 2020.

Key tasks and dates for the group

  • Understand process for developing data collection including governance, decision making and approval - End of July 2019
  • Work to understand IT systems changes and lead in time - End of September 2019
  • Define Data Definitions - End of September 2019
  • Guidance /training approved for data collection - December 2020
  • Rollout Training - December 2020
  • Baseline Monitoring - March 2020
  • New Data Monitoring (where applicable) - From commencement of the new law

Specific roles of Members and Welsh Government

Membership is from a range of organisations with a key interest in monitoring the impact on public services.

Members should:

  • broadly understand the expected impacts of the Act on their organisation
  • develop ideas on recording data with which to measure impacts
  • facilitate the approval and implementation of changes to recording systems within their organisations
  • co-opt technical expertise to support the work of the group when required
  • provide reports and updates to the group when required and carry out actions and tasks swiftly to ensure progress is sustained
  • highlight issues to the group as they arise with ideas for potential solutions
  • be able to take decisions in the group, that can be taken forward within their own organisation

The Welsh Government will provide:

  • policy support and technical expertise
  • secretariat, admin support and arrangements for the meetings and the work of the group
  • papers for each meeting 5 working days before each meeting.


The Data Collection & Monitoring Task & Finish group membership will include representatives of:

  • Crown Prosecution Service Cymru
  • Directors of Social/Children’s Services - ADSS/AWHOCS
  • CAFCASS Cymru
  • NHS Wales/ National Safeguarding Team
  • Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Service
  • Welsh Government
  • Directors of Education (ADEW)
  • Welsh Local Government Association
  • Police Wales
  • Regional Safeguarding Boards