Advice and support for farmers affected by TB.
Our aim is to:
- minimise the impact of the disease on your farm
- prevent the disease from spreading
The veterinary programme
Private vets play a pivotal role in ensuring the health and welfare of animals. We are seeking to enhance this role to engage private vets more closely in the management of TB.
This programme provides a specialist visit by a trained private vet to farms affected by TB. During the visit the vet will provide:
- support to the farmer/keeper on the disease management regime (including restrictions)
- advice on minimising the impact and understanding the risks associated with the disease
To make accessing support easier, visits will be automatically scheduled for eligible herds. But the veterinary programme is not compulsory, so the herd keeper may choose to opt out.
The programme is:
- managed by Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)
- delivered by private vets subcontracted to the two Welsh veterinary delivery partners
- available across Wales
Farmers wishing to take part will be sent a voucher by APHA.
The veterinary training module
Private vets wanting to take part in Cymorth TB will need to be trained. A training module has been developed. A vet must complete the training before they are able to deliver the Cymorth TB visit.
The training module is available online and is Harper Adams university accredited.
We continue to look at other ways of supporting cattle keepers and farming businesses during TB breakdowns.