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Farmers must follow these rules if they apply for payments under the Basic Payment Scheme 2025.

First published:
9 December 2024
Last updated:

Most Cross Compliance rules continue to apply as in 2024. We have updated the following Factsheets and associated sections of the Verifiable Standards. This reflects changes in requirements, good practice and to clarify wording for 2025:

  • SMR 1: water protection
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to confirm the Enhanced Nutrient Management approach is not available for 2025. There have also been changes to the breach severity classification for breaches A2, A9, B1, B3, B6, B7, B8 and C3

    You can find further information on all requirements: The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021: guidance for farmers and land managers.
  • SMR 2: wild birds
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to clarify requirements on:
    • the killing of wild birds
    • damage to their nests, and 
    • taking eggs
  • SMR 3: conservation of fauna and flora
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to clarify definition of ‘nationally protected species’ 
  • SMR 4: food and feed law
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to cover post movement TB testing requirements 
  • SMR 7: cattle identification and registration
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to remove requirement for export tag
  • SMR 8: sheep and goat identification and registration 
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to remove requirement for export tag 
  • SMR 11: welfare standards for calves
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to clarify requirements on pens
  • SMR 12: welfare standards for pigs
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to clarify requirements on access to:
    • manipulable material, and 
    • fresh drinking water
  • SMR 13: welfare standards for farmed animals
    Factsheet and verifiable standards updated to clarify requirements concerning:
    • mutilations and permitted procedures
    • mortality records, and 
    • protection from adverse weather and predators
