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Consumer sentiment tracking survey aiming to understand confidence, intent and barriers to take overnight short breaks and holidays in the UK and Wales for waves 14 to 16.

The national mood and behavioural sentiment

The U.K. national mood remains relatively consistent with recent reporting periods, around 6 in 10 rating their personal mood as at least 7 out of 10. Despite higher levels of concern around the pandemic, ‘retirees’ exhibit the most positive mood.

Perceptions that ‘the worst is still to come’ in relation to the pandemic have increased significantly in recent weeks, 41% thinking this in early September, but 58% thinking it as of early October. Those of retirement age are most likely to think this although the increase has been seen across all life stages.

Upcoming trip intentions

20% of the U.K. population (10.8 million adults) and 15% of Welsh residents anticipate taking a domestic short break or holiday by the end of the year (with 2 trips planned on average). Intention to take a trip has dropped significantly amongst Wales residents, 26% planned on taking a trip in early September, but this fell to 15% as of early October.

27% of U.K. adults plan on taking an overnight trip between October and March, of whom 8% plan on visiting Wales. Notably, the proportion that plan to visit Wales has dropped since early September, along with other areas with increased restrictions such as the North East England.

Trips taken since July

As of early October, 30% of U.K. adults (c.16.2  million) had taken an overnight short break or holiday in the U.K since restrictions were lifted in early July, compared to 24% of Wales adults. Both numbers are significantly higher than intended trips before restrictions were lifted.

Day trips in October half-term

14% of U.K. residents and 12% of Wales residents anticipate taking a day-trip in the October half-term, rising to 22% amongst Wales-based families, and dropping to 6% for Wales-based older independents and 4% for Wales-based retirees.

Business trips

12% of U.K. adults in employment intend to take an overnight business trip by March 2021, compared to 7% of working adults living in Wales. Meetings of 1 to 5 people are the main reason for U.K. residents taking a business trip, larger meetings the next most prevalent reason.


COVID-19 UK Tourism Consumer Tracker Survey (Wales profile): 31 August to 2 October 2020 , file type: PDF, file size: 2 MB

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David Stephens

Telephone: 0300 025 5236

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.


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Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.