The Coetiroedd Bach Grant will create 100 ‘Tiny Forests’ between April 2023 and the end of March 2025.
The Coetiroedd Bach Grant will create 100 ‘Tiny Forests’ between April 2023 and the end of March 2025. It is part of the National Forest for Wales programme.
With 5 Tiny Forests created as a pilot in 2020, this new scheme with £2.62 million funding opened on 3 April. We are funding the scheme, and the National Heritage Lottery Fund will deliver it on our behalf.
This scheme will provide financial support for people to create Tiny Forests. These woodlands will have the potential to be part of the National Forest network in the future. This means woodlands that:
- are well-managed
- are accessible to people
- give local communities the opportunity to get involved in woodlands and nature
Key features
The scheme will offer:
- grants of up to £40,000 per site. Applicants may make one application to cover several sites. Each site may not exceed a cost of £40,000, and the maximum grant available per application is £250,000. Applicants may not submit more than one application.
- up to 100% funding
- comprehensive training from Earthwatch to create a Coetir Bach/Tiny Forest
- membership of the Tiny Forest network led by Earthwatch
- until the end of March 2025 to deliver the project
- capital and revenue funding
- advice and support from Woodland Liaison Officers to plan your project
The scheme is open to organisations, communities and individuals who:
- have ownership or management control of land
- want to create new small woodlands
- will manage them in collaboration with the local community
You can find details of application deadlines and key dates (on National Lottery Heritage Fund).
How to apply
You should contact your National Forest for Wales Liaison Officer at Natural Resources Wales for details. You should also speak to The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
They can:
- support your application
- tell you how to become part of the National Forest for Wales network
Before applying you must ensure you have any required consents or permissions from:
- your local authority
- Natural Resources Wales
- any other relevant bodies, such as Cadw
Go to the National Heritage Lottery Fund to read the guidance and apply.
Further information
We are planning a further round later in the year.
For further information, contact: