Use this online form to claim a Land Transaction Tax (LTT) refund if your property is derelict or unsuitable for use as a dwelling.
You can make an amendment or claim if you’re:
- the buyer of the property
- the solicitor or conveyancer who acted for the buyer in the original purchase
- someone else authorised to act for the buyer
Before you start
Read our derelict property guidance to find out if the property is derelict or unsuitable for use as a dwelling.
What you’ll need
- Your details.
- The lead buyer’s details if they’re different to your own.
- Details of the original transaction.
- 12 digit unique transaction reference number (UTRN).
- Evidence showing the property is derelict or unsuitable for use as a dwelling.
- The amount of tax originally paid.
- The amount of tax to refund.
- Bank account and sort code details of the person to receive the payment.
Evidence the property is derelict or unsuitable for use as a dwelling
You'll need to upload electronic copies that show:
- how your property is derelict or unsuitable for use as a dwelling
- the condition of the property
- any repair work that's needed
Recommended evidence
- Reports, such as:
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) homebuyer report
- surveyors report
- structural report
- building inspector report
- Photographs of the property’s condition.
- Sales particulars.
In addition to this evidence, you can upload:
- contract of sale
- planning permission
- invoices and receipts for work completed
- Council Tax exemption form
Contact us if you need to submit a claim or amendment without supporting evidence.
Welsh Revenue Authority online service
How we use your information
See our privacy policy for how we use the information you provide.
If you need help or would like this form in a different format, contact us.