The Cabinet Secretary for Housing and Local Government, Jayne Bryant MS, has announced the appointment of Ruth Glazzard as the chair of the new Housing Regulation Independent Assurance Panel, from 17 February 2025 for a period of 3 years extendible for a further 3 year period.
The role of the Independent Assurance Panel (IAP) is to provide an independent view on how effectively the Regulatory Framework for Housing Associations Registered in Wales (the Regulatory Framework) is being implemented.
As chair of the panel Ruth will provide leadership to the IAP, ensure its effectiveness and act as a spokesperson for the IAP.
Ruth Glazzard is the Chair of the Welsh Revenue Authority and holds a portfolio of non-executive roles, including as Vice Chair of Digital Health and Care Wales. Ruth is a former board member of Coastal Housing and was a member of the board steering group overseeing Coastal’s recent merger with RHA. With a background in financial services, regulation and governance, Ruth also has significant board experience as an independent member and chairperson of local government audit and standards boards.
Originally from South Wales, Ruth worked for banks and building societies across the UK before joining the financial services regulator in 2006, working in operational and regulatory roles through the financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent changes in the regulatory regime. Following an international role as a head of governance for Standard Chartered Bank, Ruth returned to Wales from where she is focusing on a non-executive career whilst raising her young family.