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  • Rt. Hon. Vaughan Gething MS (Chair)
  • Rebecca Evans MS
  • Lesley Griffiths MS
  • Huw Irranca-Davies MS
  • Jane Hutt MS
  • Jeremy Miles MS
  • Eluned Morgan MS
  • Lynne Neagle MS
  • Dawn Bowden MS
  • Jayne Bryant MS
  • Sarah Murphy MS


  • Julie James MS
  • Mick Antoniw MS


  • Andrew Goodall, Permanent Secretary
  • Rachel Garside-Jones, Transition Director Office of the First Minister
  • Matthew Hall, Head of Cabinet Division
  • Victoria Jones, Principal Private Secretary, First Minister
  • Toby Mason, Head of Strategic Communications
  • Catrin Sully, Head of Cabinet Office
  • Alex Bevan, Special Adviser
  • David Hagendyk, Special Adviser
  • Madeleine Brindley, Special Adviser
  • Darren Griffiths, Special Adviser
  • Haf Davies, Special Adviser
  • Sara Faye, Special Adviser
  • Sam Hadley, Special Adviser
  • David Hooson, Special Adviser
  • Phillipa Marsden, Special Adviser
  • Owen Jones, Special Adviser
  • Maddie Rees, Special Adviser
  • Victoria Solomon, Special Adviser
  • Mary Wimbury, Special Adviser
  • Tom Woodward, Special Adviser
  • Christopher W Morgan, Head of Cabinet Secretariat (minutes)
  • Damian Roche, Cabinet Secretariat
  • Kathryn Hallett, First Minister’s Office
  • Helena Bird, Permanent Secretary’s Office
  • Tracey Burke, Director General Climate Change & Rural Affairs
  • Sioned Evans, Director General, Public Services and Welsh Language Group
  • Tim Moss, Chief Operating Officer
  • Judith Paget, Director General Health and Social Services
  • Andrew Slade, Director General, Economy, Treasury and Constitution
  • Diane Dunning, Deputy Director Legal Services
  • Claire Bennett, Director Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability (item 4)
  • Chris Jones, Deputy Director, Coal Tip Safety (item 4)

Item 1: Introduction and minutes of previous meeting

1.1 Cymeradwyodd y Cabinet gofnodion y 8 Gorffennaf / Cabinet approved the minutes of 8 July.

Item 2: First Minister's items

Royal visit

2.1 The First Minster reflected on the recent visit by the King and Queen to commemorate the 25th anniversary of devolution. The First Minister also had a private audience with the King that day. 

The King’s Speech

2.2 The First Minister invited the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet Office to provide overview of preparations for the King’s Speech, which was taking place on Wednesday of that week.

2.3 Parliament was expected to sit until the end of July and return in early September, with some Bills expected to be introduced before recess.

Meeting with the Chancellor of the Exchequer

2.4 The First Minister informed Cabinet that he, and the Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and Cabinet office, would be meeting the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Wednesday morning.

Item 3: Senedd business

3.1 Cabinet considered the Plenary grid and noted that voting time was scheduled for 6:55pm on Tuesday and would be around 7pm on Wednesday.

Item 4: Mines and Quarries (Disused Tips) (Wales) Bill Progress update

4.1 The First Minister introduced the paper, which invited Cabinet to note the progress made on the Mines and Quarries (Disused Tips) (Wales) Bill.

Cabinet Secretariat
July 2024