76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: masterwort
Welsh: ffenigl-y-moch gwridog
English: Mastery
Welsh: Meistrolaeth
English: mastitis
Welsh: mastitis/y garged
English: mastoid cavity
Welsh: ceudod mastoid
English: MAT
Welsh: tendr mwyaf manteisiol
English: match
Welsh: cydweddu
English: match
Welsh: matsien
English: match
Welsh: paru
English: matches
Welsh: matsys
English: match funding
Welsh: arian cyfatebol
English: match funding budget
Welsh: cyllideb arian cyfatebol
English: match funding pots
Welsh: potiau arian cyfatebol
English: match heterogeneity
Welsh: heterogenedd paru
English: matching exercise
Welsh: ymarfer paru
English: matching interview
Welsh: cyfweliad paru
English: matching job
Welsh: swydd gyfatebol
English: matching process
Welsh: proses baru
English: match up tag
Welsh: tag cyfateb
English: mate
Welsh: paru
English: mate crime
Welsh: troseddau cyfeillio
English: material adverse effect
Welsh: effaith andwyol sylweddol
English: material asset
Welsh: ased perthnasol
English: material breach
Welsh: torcyfraith perthnasol
English: material change
Welsh: newid sylweddol
English: material change of use
Welsh: newid defnydd sylweddol
English: material consideration
Welsh: ystyriaeth berthnasol
English: material date
Welsh: dyddiad perthnasol
English: material day
Welsh: diwrnod perthnasol
English: material deprivation
Welsh: amddifadedd materol
English: material deterioration
Welsh: dirywiad sylweddol
English: material detriment
Welsh: niwed sylweddol
English: material development
Welsh: datblygiad perthnasol
English: material information
Welsh: gwybodaeth berthnasol
English: materiality level
Welsh: lefel perthnasedd
English: materially deprived
Welsh: wynebu amddifadedd materol
English: material operation
Welsh: gweithrediad perthnasol
English: material particular
Welsh: manylyn perthnasol
English: Materials Action Programme
Welsh: Rhaglen Weithredu ar Ddeunydd
Welsh: Rheoliadau Deunyddiau ac Eitemau mewn Cysylltiad â Bwyd (Cymru) 2012
English: Materials and Manufacturing Academy
Welsh: Yr Academi Deunyddiau a Gweithgynhyrchu
English: Materials and Workmanship
Welsh: Deunyddiau a Chrefftwaith
English: materials efficiency
Welsh: effeithlonrwydd deunyddiau
English: materials recovery facility
Welsh: cyfleuster adennill deunydd
English: materials specific targets
Welsh: targedau deunydd-benodol
English: maternal employment
Welsh: cyflogaeth mamau
English: maternal mortality
Welsh: marwolaethau ymysg mamau
English: maternal responsiveness
Welsh: ymatebolrwydd y fam
English: maternities
Welsh: beichiogiadau
English: maternity
Welsh: mamolaeth
English: Maternity Allowance
Welsh: Lwfans Mamolaeth