76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: VCTS
Welsh: Y Cynllun Masnachu CO2 Faniau nad ydynt yn Ddi-Allyriadau
English: VCU
Welsh: Gwerth o Ran Agronomeg neu Ddefnydd
English: VE
Welsh: Peirianneg Gwerth
English: veal
Welsh: cig llo
English: veal
Welsh: cig llo
English: Veal Calf Slaughter Premium Scheme
Welsh: Cynllun Premiwm Lladd Lloi Tew
English: veal calves
Welsh: lloi cig llo
English: veal mince
Welsh: briwgig llo
English: vector
Welsh: fector
English: vector-borne diseases
Welsh: clefydau a gludir gan fectorau
English: vector data
Welsh: data fector
English: vector-free period
Welsh: cyfnod di-fector
English: vector point dataset
Welsh: set ddata pwyntiau fector
English: vector polygon
Welsh: polygon fector
English: vegan
Welsh: figan
English: vegetable fat
Welsh: braster llysiau
English: vegetable oil
Welsh: olew llysiau
English: vegetarian
Welsh: llysieuwr
English: vegetarian
Welsh: llysieuol
English: vegetarian mince
Welsh: briwgig llysieuol
English: vegetation
Welsh: llystyfiant
English: vegetation layer
Welsh: haenen lystyfiant
English: vegetatively raised
Welsh: wedi'u tyfu o doriadau
English: vegetative propagating material
Welsh: deunydd lluosogi llystyfol
English: VEGF
Welsh: Ffactor Twf Endothelaidd Fasgwlaidd
English: vehicle access
Welsh: mynedfa i gerbydau
English: Vehicle Activated Sign
Welsh: Arwydd sy'n cael ei Gynnau gan Gerbydau
English: Vehicle and Operator Services Agency
Welsh: Yr Asiantaeth Gwasanaethau Cerbydau a Gweithredwyr
English: Vehicle Body and Paint
Welsh: Corff a Phaent Cerbydau
English: vehicle check
Welsh: archwilio cerbydau
English: vehicle containment
Welsh: rhwystrau diogelwch i gerbydau
English: Vehicle Damage Assessment
Welsh: Asesu Difrod i Gerbydau
English: vehicle dealership
Welsh: delwriaeth gerbydau
English: vehicle dealerships
Welsh: delwriaethau cerbydau
English: vehicle emissions
Welsh: allyriadau cerbydau
English: vehicle emissions check
Welsh: mesur allyriadau cerbydau
English: vehicle examiner
Welsh: archwiliwr cerbydau
English: vehicle excise duty
Welsh: treth car
English: Vehicle Fitting
Welsh: Ffitiadau Cerbydau
English: vehicle headway
Welsh: amser rhwng cerbydau
English: Vehicle Identification Number
Welsh: Rhif Adnabod y Cerbyd
English: vehicle kilometre
Welsh: cilometr cerbyd
English: vehicle kilometres
Welsh: cilometrau cerbyd
English: vehicle location system
Welsh: system tracio lleoliad cerbydau
English: Vehicle Maintenance and Repair
Welsh: Cynnal a Chadw ac Atgyweirio Cerbydau
English: Vehicle Parts
Welsh: Rhannau Cerbydau
English: vehicle passages
Welsh: tramwyadau cerbydau
English: vehicle permit
Welsh: pàs parcio
English: vehicle recovery service
Welsh: gwasanaeth achub cerbydau
English: vehicle refinishers
Welsh: ailorffenwyr cerbydau