76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: Big Ideas Wales
Welsh: Syniadau Mawr Cymru
English: Big Lottery Fund
Welsh: Y Gronfa Loteri Fawr
English: Big Lunch
Welsh: Y Cinio Mawr
English: bigotry
Welsh: culni
English: Big Pit: National Coal Museum
Welsh: Big Pit: Amgueddfa Lofaol Cymru
English: Big Society
Welsh: Cymdeithas Fawr
English: Big Society Bank
Welsh: Banc y Gymdeithas Fawr
English: Big Wales
Welsh: Busnes Cymru
English: Big Welsh Bite
Welsh: Cegaid o Fwyd Cymru
English: Big Welsh Coastal Walk
Welsh: Taith Gerdded Fawr Arfordir Cymru
English: Bigyn
Welsh: Bigyn
English: BIIAB
Welsh: Corff Dyfarnu Sefydliad Prydeinig y Tafarnwyr
English: Bike4Life
Welsh: Beicio am Oes
English: Bike It, You Might Like It
Welsh: Beiciwch Hi am Hwyl a Sbri
English: Bike Loan Scheme
Welsh: Cynllun Benthyg Beic
English: bike rack
Welsh: rhesel feiciau
English: bike share scheme
Welsh: cynllun rhannu beiciau
English: Bike to Work
Welsh: Beicio i'r Gwaith
English: Bike Week
Welsh: Wythnos y Beic
English: bilateral
Welsh: cyfarfod dwyochrog
English: bilateral agreement
Welsh: cytundeb dwyochrog
English: bilateral maritime co-operation
Welsh: cydweithio morol dwyochrog
English: bilateral meeting
Welsh: cyfarfod dwyochrog
English: bilaterals
Welsh: cyfarfodydd dwyochrog
English: bilateral trade agreement
Welsh: cytundeb masnach dwyochrog
English: bilberries
Welsh: llus
English: bile acid sequestrant
Welsh: secwestrydd asid bustlog
English: bilge water
Welsh: dŵr gwaelodion llong
English: biliary system
Welsh: system y bustl
English: biliary tract
Welsh: pibell y bustl
English: bilingual helpline
Welsh: llinell gymorth ddwyieithog
English: bilingualism
Welsh: dwyieithrwydd
English: Bilingual justice? A view of the Welsh and English languages in the Magistrates' Courts of Wales
Welsh: Cyfiawnder dwyieithog? Golwg ar yr ieithoedd Cymraeg a Saesneg yn Llysoedd Ynadon Cymru
English: Bilingual Legal Text Editor
Welsh: Golygydd Testunau Cyfreithiol Dwyieithog
English: bilingual notice
Welsh: hysbysiad dwyieithog
English: bilingual notice form
Welsh: ffurflen hysbysiad dwyieithog
English: Bilingual Plus 1
Welsh: Dwyieithog a Mwy
English: bilingual profile
Welsh: proffil dwyieithog
Welsh: Cynllunio a Rheoli Sgiliau Dwyieithog
English: Bilingual Skills Strategy
Welsh: Strategaeth Sgiliau Dwyieithog
Welsh: Canllawiau a Safonau Meddalwedd Dwyieithog
English: Bilingual Town and Cities
Welsh: Trefi a Dinasoedd Dwyieithog
English: Bilingual Vocational Strategy
Welsh: Strategaeth Alwedigaethol Ddwyieithog
English: Bilingual Wales
Welsh: Cymru Ddwyieithog
English: Bilingual Wales Fund
Welsh: Cronfa Cymru Ddwyieithog
Welsh: Rheolwr Gwella Gweithio’n Ddwyieithog
Welsh: Swyddog Gwella Gweithio'n Ddwyieithog
English: Bilingual Working Improvement Team
Welsh: Tîm Gwella Gweithio’n Ddwyieithog
English: Bill
Welsh: Bil
English: billboard
Welsh: hysbysfwrdd