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75555 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: genotype
Welsh: genoteipio
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Verb
Last Updated: 5 February 2004
Welsh: cynnal profion genoteip ac yna difa
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Verb
Last Updated: 23 September 2005
Welsh: genoteip yn ôl ardal
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 May 2003
Welsh: canlyniad y prawf genoteipio
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 May 2003
Welsh: adeiladwaith y genoteip
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 30 July 2003
English: genotyping
Welsh: prawf genoteipio
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 May 2003
English: gentle breeze
Welsh: awel fwyn
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Context: Leaves and twigs move. Small flags move. Beaufort scale 3.
Last Updated: 21 July 2010
Welsh: boneddigeiddio
Status C
Subject: General
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: A process by which middle-class people take up residence in a traditionally working class area, changing its character.
Last Updated: 21 July 2011
English: gentry house
Welsh: tŷ bonedd
Status C
Subject: Estates and Cadw
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 28 November 2007
Welsh: is-dai bonedd
Status C
Subject: Estates and Cadw
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 5 December 2011
Welsh: ar gael mewn gwirionedd
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Adjective
Definition: eg land
Last Updated: 25 July 2005
Welsh: tir sydd ar gael mewn gwirionedd
Status C
Subject: Local Government
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 25 July 2005
English: genus
Welsh: genws
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 7 September 2004
English: geoblocking
Welsh: georwystro
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Technoleg sy'n cyfyngu ar ddefnydd unigolyn o'r rhyngrwyd, ar sail lleoliad daearyddol yr unigolyn hwnnw.
Last Updated: 4 April 2019
Welsh: Rheoliadau Georwystro (Gorfodi) 2018
Status B
Subject: Titles of legislation
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Notes: Teitl cwrteisi ar ddarn o ddeddfwriaeth sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Last Updated: 2 May 2019
Welsh: Rheoliadau Georwystro (Dirymu) (Ymadael â’r UE) 2019
Status B
Subject: Titles of legislation
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Notes: Teitl cwrteisi ar ddarn o ddeddfwriaeth sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Last Updated: 2 May 2019
English: geo-caching
Welsh: geogelcio
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world.
Last Updated: 9 February 2016
Welsh: GeoConservation UK
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Proper noun
Last Updated: 17 June 2014
Welsh: arolwg geodetig
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 10 May 2011
English: geodiversity
Welsh: geoamrywiaeth
Status A
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Amrywiaeth y creigiau, ffosiliau, mwynau, prosesau naturiol, tirffurfiau a phriddoedd sydd o dan y tirwedd ac sy’n pennu ei chymeriad.
Context: Geoamrywiaeth yw amrywiaeth y creigiau, ffosiliau, mwynau, prosesau naturiol, tirffurfiau a phriddoedd sydd o dan ein tirwedd ac sy’n pennu ei chymeriad ac mae’n cynnal y ddarpariaeth o nifer o wasanaethau ecosystem.
Last Updated: 6 June 2019
Welsh: Cynllun Gweithredu Geoamrywiaeth
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 29 July 2004
Welsh: geobeirianneg
Status B
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 19 May 2022
Welsh: Canolfan Ymchwil Geoamgylcheddol
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: GRC. Cardiff University.
Last Updated: 14 June 2004
Welsh: Parc Ymchwil Geoamgylcheddol
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 14 June 2004
English: geofilter
Welsh: geohidlydd
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: geohidlyddion
Definition: Geofilters are special overlays that communicate the “where and when” of a Snap in a fun way, whether you're sending it to a friend or adding it to your Story.
Context: Mae Croeso Cymru hefyd yn creu geohidlyddion er mwyn annog defnyddwyr i rannu eu lluniau.
Notes: Cyfleuster yn Snapchat.
Last Updated: 25 July 2017
Welsh: dosbarthiad daearyddol
Status B
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: dosbarthiadau daearyddol
Context: Yn y Rhan hon, ystyr “dosbarthiad daearyddol” yw—(a) yr ardal y mae’r nwyddau, y gwasanaethau neu’r gweithiau i gael eu cyflenwi ynddi yn y Deyrnas Unedig, drwy gyfeirio at yr ardaloedd ITL 1, ITL 2 ac ITL 3 perthnasol a restrir ar y wefan â’r pennawd “International Geographies” ar wefan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol fel y’i diwygir o bryd i’w gilydd, neu (b) pan fo’r nwyddau, y gwasanaethau neu’r gweithiau i gael eu cyflenwi y tu allan i’r Deyrnas Unedig, enw’r wlad a, pan fo’n briodol, y rhanbarth y maent i gael eu cyflenwi ynddo.
Notes: Term o faes caffael. Ychwanegwyd i’r gronfa yn sgil Deddf Caffael 2023 (deddfwriaeth Llywodraeth y DU, sydd ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig) a Rheoliadau Caffael (Cymru) 2024. Daw’r frawddeg gyd-destunol o Reoliadau Caffael (Cymru) 2024.
Last Updated: 31 July 2024
Welsh: data daearyddol
Status B
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: Gwybodaeth sy'n gysylltiedig â lleoliadau penodol ar wyneb y ddaear.
Last Updated: 5 June 2024
Welsh: patrwm daearyddol
Status A
Subject: Local Government
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 7 October 2014
Welsh: dynodiad daearyddol
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 24 November 2003
Welsh: Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 5 October 2006
Welsh: Swyddog Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 16 April 2003
Welsh: Y Gangen Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 21 January 2008
Welsh: system gwybodaeth ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: GIS
Last Updated: 30 March 2004
Welsh: Uned Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: GIU
Last Updated: 16 April 2003
Welsh: terfynau daearyddol
Status C
Subject: Local Government
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 7 July 2011
Welsh: cod daearyddol
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Elfen yn y system rhifo da byw.
Last Updated: 30 July 2003
Welsh: Rheolwr Polisi Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 27 March 2008
Welsh: system gwybodaeth ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: GIS
Last Updated: 22 March 2004
Welsh: atroffi maciwlaidd ynysog
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Term am gyfnod hwyr dirywiad maciwlaidd sych sy’n gysylltiedig â henaint lle bydd atroffi'r maciwla yn dueddol o ymddangos fel clytwaith o niwed tebyg i ynysoedd ar fap, wrth edrych ar gefn y llygad.
Last Updated: 25 March 2024
Welsh: prosiect braenaru daearyddol
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last Updated: 18 January 2007
Welsh: adolygiad daearyddol
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: adolygiadau daearyddol
Last Updated: 7 March 2018
English: geography
Welsh: daearyddiaeth
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last Updated: 26 May 2010
Welsh: Daearyddiaeth yng Nghwricwlwm Cenedlaethol Cymru
Status A
Subject: Education
Definition: Published by the Welsh Assembly Government, 2008
Last Updated: 21 January 2008
Welsh: cyfleoedd sydd ar gael yn ddaearyddol
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Plural
Context: "map the geography of opportunity against their chosen career choice"
Last Updated: 21 February 2012
Welsh: Y Tîm Daearyddiaeth a Thechnoleg
Status A
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Notes: Rhan o’r Is-adran Gwasanaethau Ystadegol, Y Grŵp Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol yn Llywodraeth Cymru. Ychwanegwyd y cofnod hwn Ionawr 2016.
Last Updated: 12 January 2016
Welsh: matiau geojute
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Plural
Last Updated: 29 June 2012
English: geolocation
Welsh: canfod lleoliad
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: The technological process of determining the real geographic location of an internet user.
Last Updated: 24 January 2011
English: geological
Welsh: daearegol
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Adjective
Last Updated: 20 September 2005
Welsh: Safleoedd Adolygu Cadwraeth Ddaearegol
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last Updated: 19 September 2008
Welsh: gwaredu daearegol
Status A
Subject: Waste
Part of speech: Verb
Context: of radioactive waste
Last Updated: 31 March 2014