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75364 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: statutory demand
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: A written demand made on a company for payment of an overdue debt.
Last updated: 8 November 2011
English: order and collect
Status B
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 14 May 2020
English: BABA
Status C
Subject: Tourism and Recreation
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: Book a Bed Ahead
Last updated: 5 December 2006
English: Book a Bed Ahead
Status C
Subject: Tourism and Recreation
Part of speech: Verb
Definition: BABA
Last updated: 5 December 2006
Status A
Subject: Government and Assembly departments and posts
Part of speech: Neutral
Definition: Cyfeiriad e-bost y Gwasanaeth Addysg a Gwybodaeth - ar gyfer neilltuo lle yng nghyfarfodydd y Cynulliad.
Last updated: 20 September 2004
English: pre-book
Status A
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Verb
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun tacsis a cherbydau hurio preifat.
Last updated: 4 June 2018
English: archdiocese
Status A
Subject: Religion
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 1 April 2009
English: Archbishop of Wales
Status A
Subject: Religion
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 15 September 2003
English: Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Wales
Status A
Subject: Religion
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: Archesgobion yr Eglwys Gatholig yng Nghymru
Last updated: 4 June 2018
English: superstore
Status C
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 23 July 2003
Welsh: arch-fyg
English: superbug
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 1 April 2009
Welsh: archif
English: archive
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: Earth Observation Archive for Wales
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 19 December 2019
English: Earth Observation Archive for Wales
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 23 January 2020
Welsh: archifau
English: archives
Status C
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 24 October 2005
English: National Archives of Scotland
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: NAS
Last updated: 6 May 2005
English: Archives Wales: a Virtual National Archive for Wales
Status C
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 27 November 2007
English: Archive of Welsh Traditional Music
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Prifysgol Cymru Bangor
Last updated: 30 November 2004
English: UK Data Archive
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Mae gan Lywodraeth Cymru fynediad i fersiwn o'r SPI a elwir y tâp defnydd cyhoeddus, a gyhoeddir yn Archif Data'r DU o dan ofal Prifysgol Essex.
Notes: Cyfieithiad cwrteisi o enw adnodd nad oes ffurf swyddogol Gymraeg iddo.
Last updated: 25 October 2017
English: National Broadcast archive
Status C
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 24 June 2021
English: National Archive for Wales
Status C
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 21 July 2011
English: National Screen and Sound Archive of Wales
Status A
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Nid oes ganddynt do bach ar yr 'i' yn 'Sgrin'
Last updated: 13 August 2003
English: WAW
Status A
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Women's Archive of Wales
Last updated: 5 March 2008
English: Women's Archive of Wales
Status A
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: WAW
Last updated: 5 March 2008
English: super-spreader
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archledaenwyr
Definition: Unigolyn sy'n cario feirws neu facteriwm ac yn heintio nifer anarferol o fawr o bobl eraill. Nid oes diffiniad pendant o'r nifer y bydd yr unigolyn yn eu heintio cyn ei gyfrif yn archledaenwr.
Notes: Mae'n bosibl y byddai aralleiriad fel 'lledaenwr helaeth' neu 'lledaenwr toreithiog' yn gweithio mewn rhai cyd-destunau.
Last updated: 13 July 2020
English: Great Officer of State
Status C
Subject: Honorary Titles
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 13 January 2004
Welsh: archwiliad
English: audit
Status A
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archwiliadau
Definition: An official inspection of an organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body; a systematic review or assesment of something
Last updated: 28 December 2017
Welsh: archwiliad
English: check-up
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: dentist/doctor
Last updated: 16 August 2004
Welsh: archwiliad
English: inspection
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: In the context of the Single Payment Scheme.
Last updated: 20 May 2005
Welsh: archwiliad
English: sentinel audit
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 13 October 2004
Welsh: archwiliad
English: examination
Status C
Subject: Legal
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Mesur Arfaethedig y Gymraeg.
Last updated: 1 September 2010
Welsh: archwiliad
English: stocktake
Status B
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Archwilio pa mor alluog yw Awdurdodau Lleol i wella ysgolion.
Last updated: 21 July 2011
Welsh: archwiliad
English: inspection
Status B
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archwiliad
Notes: Elfen o gyfundrefn arfaethedig ar gyfer rheoli tomenni glo.
Last updated: 19 May 2022
English: cattle identification inspection
Status B
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Archwiliad sy'n cael ei gynnal wedi i ffermwr wneud cais am bremiwm, i wneud yn siwr ei fod yn cadw'r anifeiliaid y mae'n gofyn am bremiwm ar eu cyfer ar y fferm dros y cyfnod cadw.
Last updated: 30 July 2003
English: environmental audit
Status C
Subject: Environment
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 23 July 2003
English: anatomical examination
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 17 April 2008
English: independent examination
Status A
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archwiliadau annibynnol
Context: Rhaid i archwiliad annibynnol gael ei gynnal gan arolygydd. Diben yr archwiliad yw penderfynu a yw’r cynllun yn bodloni’r gofynion a osodir gan y Rhan hon ac odani, ac a yw'n gadarn.
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun cynlluniau datblygu.
Last updated: 30 April 2024
English: quality audit
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 25 July 2005
English: spot check inspection
Status B
Subject: Planning
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archwiliadau ar hap
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun y gyfundrefn arfaethedig i reoli tomenni glo.
Last updated: 19 May 2022
English: financial audit
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 25 July 2005
English: post-mortem inspection
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: moch mewn lladd-dai
Last updated: 9 October 2008
English: on-farm inspection
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: archwilio’ch fferm
Last updated: 29 July 2003
English: road check
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: archwiliadau ar y ffyrdd
Definition: Gweithred gan yr heddlu yn atal cerbydau er mwyn gwirio a yw'r bobl yn y cerbyd hwnnw yn cyflawni trosedd o dan y gyfraith sy'n ymwneud â chyfyngiadau coronafeirws.
Last updated: 5 November 2020
English: inspections
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: In SPS context.
Last updated: 19 May 2005
English: non-invasive investigations
Status B
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Definition: Non-invasive: Denoting a procedure that does not require insertion of an instrument or device through the skin or a body orifice for diagnosis or treatment.
Last updated: 16 April 2003
English: sheep identification inspections
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 25 July 2005
English: cattle identification inspections
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 25 July 2005
English: Eye Health Examination Wales
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Proper noun, Plural
Definition: EHEW
Last updated: 30 October 2012
English: EHEW
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Proper noun, Plural
Definition: Eye Health Examination Wales
Last updated: 30 October 2012
English: disease tracing checks
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 8 June 2011