76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: Almanac y Sector Gwirfoddol
English: Voluntary Sector Almanac
Welsh: alogenig
English: allogenic
Welsh: alpaca
English: alpaca
Welsh: Alsace
English: Alsace
Welsh: Alun a Glannau Dyfrdwy
English: Alyn and Deeside
Welsh: Alway
English: Alway
Welsh: Alway
English: Alway
Welsh: alwmina actifedig
English: activated alumina
Welsh: amaeth-amgylchedd
English: agri-environment
Welsh: amaeth-amgylcheddol
English: agri-environmental
Welsh: amaeth-ariannol
English: agrimonetary
Welsh: amaethfferyllol
English: agro-ceutical
Welsh: amaeth-goedwigaeth
English: agroforestry
English: Agriculture, Veterinary, Food and Marine
English: Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Strategy
Welsh: amaethyddiaeth
English: agriculture
Welsh: amaethyddiaeth a busnes
English: agriculture with business
Welsh: amaethyddiaeth fanwl
English: precision agriculture
Welsh: amaethyddiaeth gynaliadwy
English: sustainable agriculture
English: controlled environment agriculture
Welsh: ambiwlans argyfwng
English: emergency ambulance
Welsh: ambiwlans awyr
English: air ambulance
Welsh: am byth
English: in perpetuity
Welsh: AMC
English: DCA
Welsh: Amcan 1
English: Objective 1
Welsh: Amcan 1: Cymorth Allforio
English: Objective 1: ExportAssist
English: Objective 2 & Objective 2 Transitional
Welsh: amcan ansawdd aer
English: air quality objective
Welsh: amcan ansawdd aer
English: air quality objective
English: socially responsible procurement objective
Welsh: amcanestyniad
English: projection
English: sub-national household projections
English: projections of housing need
Welsh: amcanestyniadau poblogaeth
English: population projections
Welsh: amcanestyniad gwaelodlin
English: baseline projection
English: sub-national household projection
Welsh: amcanestyniad poblogaeth
English: population projection
Welsh: amcangyfraniad
English: estimated contribution
Welsh: amcangyfrif atodol
English: supplementary estimate
Welsh: amcangyfrif canol-blwyddyn
English: mid-year estimate
Welsh: amcangyfrif canolog
English: central estimate
Welsh: amcangyfrif gorau
English: best estimate
Welsh: amcangyfrif maint
English: sizing
English: sample-based estimates
Welsh: amcangyfrifon diwygiedig
English: revised estimates
English: prevalence estimate of problematic drug use
Welsh: amcangyfrifon poblogaeth
English: population estimates
English: Small Area Population Estimates
Welsh: amcangyfrif o werth
English: estimated value
English: Assistant Estimator and Quantity Surveyor