76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: allbwn gweithgynhyrchu
English: manufacturing output
Welsh: Allbwn Safonol
English: Standard Output
Welsh: allbwn ystadegol
English: statistical output
Welsh: allbynnau
English: outputs
Welsh: allbynnau ystadegol
English: statistical outputs
Welsh: allbynnu
English: output
Welsh: allbyramidaidd
English: extrapyramidal
Welsh: alldafliad cyseiniol
English: resonant ejection
Welsh: alldaliad
English: disbursement
Welsh: alldaliadau
English: outgoings
Welsh: alldro
English: outturn
Welsh: alldro a ddisgwylir
English: expected out-turn
Welsh: alldro adnoddau
English: resource outturn
Welsh: alldro a ragwelir
English: anticipated out-turn
English: gigabit-capable
Welsh: alldro treth incwm
English: income tax outturn
Welsh: alldro yn erbyn y cwmpasau
English: outturn against ambits
Welsh: allfasnach
English: off-trade
Welsh: Allforio ar gyfer Twf
English: Exporting for Growth
Welsh: Allforio Cymru
English: Export Wales
English: Export Wales: Action Plan to Recover, Rebuild and Reinvent
Welsh: allforio ffynhonnell
English: export source
Welsh: allforion cyfochrog
English: parallel exports
Welsh: Allforion Data
English: Data Exports
English: exports of waste for disposal
English: exports of waste for recovery
Welsh: allforio templedi
English: export template
English: Grow your business, export!
Welsh: Allforiwr Sefydledig
English: Established Exporter
Welsh: allfuddsoddi
English: outward investment
Welsh: allfudo
English: out-migration
Welsh: allglaf
English: outlier
Welsh: allgleifion
English: outliers
Welsh: allgludiad
English: deportation
Welsh: allgludo
English: deport
Welsh: allgludo
English: export
Welsh: allgofnodi
English: log off
Welsh: allgofnodi
English: log out
Welsh: allgroesi
English: outcrossing
Welsh: allgáu
English: exclusion
Welsh: allgáu ariannol
English: financial exclusion
Welsh: allgáu cymdeithasol
English: social exclusion
Welsh: allgáu digidol
English: digital exclusion
Welsh: allgymorth
English: outreach
English: Outreach On-Line: Guided On-line Self-Help for Anxiety
English: Outreach and Secondments, Personnel Division
Welsh: allgymorth dyfal
English: assertive outreach
Welsh: allgymudo
English: out-commuting
Welsh: allgynhyrchu
English: spin-out
Welsh: allgyrchydd
English: centrifuge