76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd
Welsh: Y Gweinidog Newid Hinsawdd
English: Minister for Climate Change
English: Minister for Social Partnership
English: Minister for Children and Social Care
English: Minister for Children, Older People and Social Care
English: Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work
English: Minister for Skills and Science
English: Minister with responsibility for the Armed Forces, Families and Veterans
Welsh: Y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio
English: Minister for Housing and Regeneration
Welsh: Y Gweinidog Tai ac Adfywio
English: Minister for Housing and Regeneration
English: Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage
English: Minister for Housing and Local Government
Welsh: Y Gweithdy i Fenywod
English: Womens Workshop
Welsh: Y Gweithfeydd: Glynebwy
English: The Works: Ebbw Vale
English: Working Group on Banning Conversion Practices
English: Operation in a COVID World Working Group
English: Food in Schools Working Group
English: Park Homes Working Party
Welsh: Y Gweithgor Cludo Nwyddau
English: Freight Working Group
Welsh: Y Gweithgor Cymorth Menopos
English: Menopause Support Working Group
Welsh: Y Gweithgor Gwrth-hiliol
English: Anti-racist working group
English: Prisoner Accommodation and Resettlement Working Group
English: Workforce & Corporate Business
English: Workforce and Workforce Systems
English: social care workforce
English: The Social Care Workforce in Wales: Definitions and Challenges
Welsh: y gweithlu gofal plant
English: childcare workforce
English: value added capped points score
Welsh: Y Gwir Anrhydeddus
English: Right Honourable
Welsh: Y Gwir Barchedig
English: The Right Reverend
Welsh: Y Gwir Ddewis Amgen
English: The Real Alternative
Welsh: y Gwrthbleidiau
English: the Opposition
Welsh: y gwyddorau mapio
English: mapping sciences
Welsh: y Gwyrddion
English: the Greens
Welsh: Y Gyd-ganolfan Bioddiogelwch
English: Joint Biosecurity Centre
Welsh: Y Gyd-ganolfan Bioddiogelwch
English: Joint Biosecurity Council
Welsh: Y Gyfadran Homeopathi
English: The Faculty of Homeopathy
English: Quality of Bathing Water Directive
English: Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora
English: Large Combustion Plant Directive
English: Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive
English: ELD
English: Environmental Liability Directive
English: Environmental Liability on Industrial Polluters Directive
English: Shipments of Waste Directive
English: Collective Rights Management Directive
English: Volatile Organic Compounds Directive
English: NIS Directive
Welsh: Y Gyfarwyddeb Dŵr Daear
English: Groundwater Directive
Welsh: Y Gyfarwyddeb Dryloywder
English: Transparency Directive