76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: Y Blaid Lafur
English: Labour Party
Welsh: Y Blaid Lafur yn Ward Carn
English: Carn Ward Labour Party
Welsh: Y Blaid Werdd
English: Green Party
Welsh: y bleidlais
English: ballot
Welsh: Y Blynyddoedd Cynnar
English: Early Years
English: Early Years and Pupil Support
English: Birth to Five: Your complete guide to parenthood and the first five years of your child's life
Welsh: Y Blynyddoedd Profiad
English: Years of Experience
Welsh: Y Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol
English: Incredible Years
English: Dylan Thomas’ Boathouse
Welsh: Y Bont-faen
English: Cowbridge
Welsh: Y Bont-faen
English: Cowbridge
Welsh: Y Bontnewydd
English: Y Bontnewydd
Welsh: Y Bont Werdd
English: Green Bridge
Welsh: Y Borth
English: Borth
Welsh: Y Borth
English: Borth
English: Pneumococcal Vaccine for Older People: Factsheet
English: Pneumococcal vaccine Catch-up programme for children under two years of age
Welsh: Y Brenin a'i Gydweddog
English: The King and His Consort
Welsh: Y Brenin Charles III
English: King Charles III
English: Coastal Capital and Communities
Welsh: Y Briff Trafnidiaeth
English: Transport Brief
Welsh: Y Brifysgol Agored
English: Open University
English: The Open University in Wales
Welsh: y Brifysgol dros Ddiwydiant
English: University for Industry
English: Independent Appeals Process, Guidance Notes for Farmers in Wales
Welsh: Y Broses Datrys Problemau
English: Issue Resolution Process
English: severe weather derogation process
English: decision-making process
Welsh: y broydd Cymraeg
English: Welsh-speaking heartlands
Welsh: y bunt Gymreig
English: the Welsh pound
Welsh: Y Busnes Newydd Gorau
English: Best New Business
English: Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB)
English: National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health
English: Public Works Loan Board
English: PWLB
Welsh: Y Bwrdd Buddsoddi Cyfalaf
English: Capital Investment Board
English: Infrastructure Investment Board
English: IIB
Welsh: Y Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid
English: Youth Justice Board
Welsh: Y Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid
English: YJB
Welsh: Y Bwrdd Cyfiawnder Ieuenctid
English: Youth Justice Board
English: SDPB
English: Strategic Delivery and Performance Board
English: Senedd Electoral Reform Delivery Board
English: Tobacco Control Delivery Board
English: National Commissioning Advisory Board
English: NCAB
English: Housing Support National Advisory Board
English: Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board