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75522 results
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English: CCTV 
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Notes: Dyma'r acronym a ddefnyddir yn gyffredin yn Saesneg am 'closed-circuit television'. Mae peth defnydd i'r acronym TCC yn Gymraeg.
Last updated: 14 December 2023
English: CCTV in operation
Status B
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 29 August 2012
English: television without frontiers
Status C
Subject: Europe
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 2 September 2004
English: interactive television
Status A
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 13 June 2011
English: telemarketing
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 25 July 2005
English: telemedicine
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Last updated: 2 February 2006
English: digital telephony
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 1 July 2021
English: telephonist
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 5 September 2003
English: teleconferencing
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 21 July 2011
Welsh: teleiechyd
English: telehealth
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: System gyfathrebu fel y gall cleifion gael eu trin gartref.
Last updated: 14 September 2004
English: Telehealth Wales
Status C
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Umbrella name for the Welsh Assembly policy on Telemedicine and Telecare.
Last updated: 4 June 2004
Welsh: telemateg
English: telematics
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Math o dechnoleg gwybodaeth sy'n ymwneud â throsglwyddo gwybodaeth electronig dros bellteroedd hir.
Last updated: 18 May 2023
English: vehicle telematics
Status B
Subject: Transport
Part of speech: Noun, Feminine, Singular
Definition: Gwybodaeth electronig a gesglir mewn cerbydau (ee o systemau GPS a chyfrifiaduron yn y cerbydau hynny) ac a drosglwyddir i fan canolog er mwyn ei dadansoddi. Gall helpu i sicrhau diogelwch gyrrwyr a threfnu eu bod yn dilyn y llwybrau gorau er mwyn defnyddio tanwydd yn effeithlon.
Last updated: 18 May 2023
Welsh: Teleofal
English: Telecare
Status A
Subject: Social Services
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 2 May 2007
English: tele-optometry
Status A
Subject: Health
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Gwasanaethau golwg ac iechyd llygaid a ddarperir drwy ddefnyddio technolegau gwybodaeth iechyd, technolegau meddygol a thechnolegau cyfathrebu electronig, a lle ceir pellter rhwng y darparwr a'r claf.
Last updated: 25 November 2022
Welsh: teler
English: term
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Elfen o fformiwlâu cyllido.
Context: As in terms and conditions.
Last updated: 27 January 2010
English: supplementary term
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 20 November 2014
English: terms and conditions
Status A
Subject: General
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 8 August 2007
English: terms and conditions of employment
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 21 October 2008
English: terms and conditions of service
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 28 February 2005
English: express terms
Status B
Subject: Justice and Order
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 14 August 2012
English: terms of working
Status C
Subject: Personnel
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 27 October 2006
English: payment terms
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 15 February 2010
English: implied terms
Status B
Subject: Social Services
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Plural
Last updated: 10 May 2013
English: multiplicative needs adjustment term
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 27 January 2010
English: fundamental term
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 20 November 2014
English: additional term
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 20 November 2014
English: prohibited conduct term
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 30 April 2013
English: European Extremely Large Telescope
Status C
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Proper noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 3 December 2012
English: teleworking
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Verb
Last updated: 2 September 2004
Welsh: teloriaid
English: warblers
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 4 August 2004
English: wood warbler
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 4 August 2004
English: willow warbler
Status C
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 4 August 2004
English: Teifi Harps
Status A
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Plural
Last updated: 26 March 2007
English: Royal Harpist
Status C
Subject: Culture and the Arts
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 15 December 2010
Welsh: templed
English: template
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: Self-evaluation Report Template
Status A
Subject: Education
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Context: Estyn
Last updated: 1 November 2010
English: minutes template
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: data submission template
Status C
Subject: Finance and Statistics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: templedi cyflwyno data
Context: O safbwynt casglu'r data rhyddhau wythnosol, mae ein timau ac Uned Gyflawni y GIG wedi gweithio gydag arweinwyr rhyddhau i ddatrys problemau, sicrhau bod y templed cyflwyno data'n addas i'r diben a hefyd i fwydo dadansoddiad o'r data yn ôl ichi.
Last updated: 8 October 2020
English: default template
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: amended template
Status B
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 19 July 2005
English: citation template
Status C
Subject: Honorary Titles
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Notes: Yng nghyd-destun rhestr anrhydeddau'r Frenhines.
Last updated: 10 March 2022
English: mobile-specific template
Status C
Subject: ITC
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: templedi penodol ar gyfer dyfeisiau symudol
Last updated: 24 January 2017
English: Welsh language policy template
Status B
Subject: Politics
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 6 April 2011
English: Construction Quality Assurance Template
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: CQAT
Last updated: 12 November 2010
English: CQAT
Status C
Subject: Economic Development
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Definition: Construction Quality Assurance Template
Last updated: 12 November 2010
Welsh: TEN
English: TEN
Status C
Subject: Europe
Part of speech: Neutral
Definition: Trans-European Network
Last updated: 2 September 2004
English: agricultural tenant
Status A
Subject: Agriculture
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: tenantiaid amaethyddol
Last updated: 30 April 2024
English: tenant in common
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Last updated: 30 April 2013
English: sitting tenant
Status A
Subject: Housing
Part of speech: Noun, Masculine, Singular
Plural: tenantiaid cyfredol
Definition: tenant sy'n rhentu neu'n meddiannu mangre benodol yn gyfredol
Context: Pan gaiff y cartrefi hyn eu gosod, nid ydynt ar gael i'w hailddyrannu nes bod y tenant cyfredol (neu'r olynydd) yn symud allan.
Last updated: 16 November 2021