76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: Building Better Customer Service: Core Principles for Public Services
Welsh: adeiladu newydd
English: new-build
Welsh: Adeiladu'n Wyrdd: Gwneud Adeiladau Cymunedol ac Adeiladau Busnes yn fwy Amgylcheddol Gynaliadwy
English: Building in Green: Making Community and Commercial Buildings more Environmentally Sustainable
Welsh: Adeiladu Peirianneg
English: Engineering Construction
Welsh: Adeiladu â Phren - Cymru
English: Wood Build Wales
Welsh: adeiladu Prydain well
English: build a better Britain
Welsh: Adeiladu'r Cyfnod Sylfaen
English: Building the Foundation Phase
English: Building the Foundation Phase, Action Plan
English: Building the Future Together
Welsh: Adeiladu Sgiliau
English: Skillbuild
Welsh: Adeiladu Sgiliau +
English: Skillbuild Plus
Welsh: Adeiladu Sgiliau Pobl Ifanc
English: Skill Build Youth
English: Construction Technical and Professional
English: Construction Technical, Supervision and Management
English: BEST
English: Building Excellent Schools Together
English: Building Better Schools for Wales
Welsh: adeiladwaith
English: construction
Welsh: adeiladwaith hanesyddol
English: historic fabric
Welsh: adeiladwaith hwylustod
English: accommodation work
Welsh: adeiladwaith y borfa
English: sward structure
Welsh: adeiladwaith y genoteip
English: genotype structure
Welsh: adeiladwaith y pridd
English: soil structure
Welsh: adeiladwyedd
English: buildability
Welsh: adeiladwyr anghofrestredig
English: cowboy builders
Welsh: adeiladwyr ystyriol
English: considerate constructors
Welsh: Adeilad y Goron
English: Crown Building
Welsh: adeilad ynni a eithrir
English: excepted energy building
Welsh: adeilad ynni gweithredol
English: active building
Welsh: adeiledd
English: structure
Welsh: adeiledd dynodedig
English: designated structure
Welsh: adeiledd ecosystem
English: ecosystem structure
Welsh: adeiledig
English: built-up
English: social return on investment
Welsh: adennill
English: recovery
Welsh: adennill dyled
English: debt recovery
Welsh: adennill meddiant
English: giving up of possession
Welsh: adennill meddiant
English: recover possession
Welsh: adennill meddiant
English: regain possession
English: recovery of premium
Welsh: adennill taliad atodol
English: recovery of top-up payment
Welsh: adenofeirws
English: adenovirus
Welsh: aderyn anwes
English: pet bird
Welsh: aderyn caeth
English: captive bird
Welsh: aderyn drycin Manaw
English: Manx shearwater
Welsh: aderyn drycin Manaw
English: Manx shearwater
Welsh: aderyn drycin y graig
English: fulmar
Welsh: aderyn hela
English: game bird
Welsh: aderyn mudol
English: migrant
English: ground-nesting bird