76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: Addysg ôl-16
English: Post-16 Education
Welsh: addysg nyrsys
English: nurse education
Welsh: Addysg o ansawdd
English: Quality education
Welsh: Addysg Oedolion Cymru
English: Adult Learning Wales
Welsh: Addysg Oedolion Cymru
English: Adult Learning Wales
Welsh: addysgofal
English: educare
Welsh: addysg orfodol
English: compulsory education
Welsh: Addysg Plant Sâl
English: The Education of Sick Children
Welsh: Addysg Plant y Lluoedd Arfog
English: SCE
Welsh: Addysg Plant y Lluoedd Arfog
English: Service Children’s Education
English: early childhood education
Welsh: addysg ran-amser
English: part-time education
Welsh: addysg rhyw
English: sex education
Welsh: addysg rhyw a chydberthynas
English: sex and relationship education
Welsh: addysg rhyw a chydberthynas
English: SRE
English: Sex and Relationships Education in Schools
Welsh: addysg seiliedig ar waith
English: work-based education
English: structured diabetes education
English: SDE
Welsh: Addysg Sylfaenol i Oedolion
English: Adult Basic Education
Welsh: addysg symbylol
English: conductive education
English: community focused schooling
Welsh: addysg sy'n LHDTC+-gynhwysol
English: LGBTQ+ inclusive education
Welsh: addysgu
English: teach
Welsh: addysgu ac arweinyddiaeth
English: teaching and leadership
Welsh: Addysgu Athrawon Yfory
English: Teaching Tomorrow’s Teachers
English: Teaching Welsh as a Second Language to Trainee Teachers: Survey
English: Teaching Drama: Guidance on Safeguarding Children and Child Protection for Managers and Drama Practitioners
Welsh: addysgu gwahaniaethol
English: differentiated teaching
Welsh: Addysgu Manwl
English: Precision Teaching
Welsh: addysg uwch
English: higher education
Welsh: Addysg Uwch Cymru
English: Higher Education Wales
Welsh: Addysg Uwch Cymru Brwsel
English: Welsh Higher Education Brussels
Welsh: Addysg Uwch Cymru Brwsel
English: WHEB
Welsh: Addysg Uwch Cymru Brwsel
English: Welsh Higher Education Brussels
Welsh: Addysg Uwch Cymru Brwsel
English: WHEB
Welsh: addysg waithganolog
English: work-focused education
Welsh: addysgwr menter
English: enterprise educator
Welsh: addysgwyr rhieni
English: parent educators
Welsh: addysg y blynyddoedd cynnar
English: early years education
English: Education in Wales: Our National Mission
Welsh: addysg yn y cartref
English: home education
Welsh: adeffaith
English: rebound effect
Welsh: adegau prysur
English: peak times
Welsh: adeg awyru
English: airing times
English: at mini-competition stage
Welsh: Adeg gyffrous - Lle cyffrous
English: Exciting time - Exciting place
Welsh: adeg lladd
English: time of killing
Welsh: adeg y gwahanu
English: point of separation
Welsh: adeilad afraid
English: redundant building