76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
Welsh: Athro a Hyfforddwyd Dramor
English: OTT
Welsh: Athro a Hyfforddwyd Dramor
English: Overseas Trained Teacher
Welsh: athro arweiniol
English: lead teacher
Welsh: Athro Bacterioleg
English: Chair of Bacteriology
Welsh: Athro Cadeiriol
English: Chaired Professor
English: Shell Chaired Professor
Welsh: athro â chyfrifoldeb
English: teacher in charge
Welsh: athro cyflenwi
English: supply teacher
Welsh: Athro Cyfraith Gyhoeddus
English: Professor of Public Law
Welsh: athro cymorth
English: support teacher
Welsh: athro cymwysedig
English: qualified teacher
Welsh: athro cynllun carlam
English: fast-track teacher
Welsh: athro cyswllt
English: link teacher
English: Professor of Communications and Creative Industries
Welsh: athro dosbarth hyfedr
English: highly-skilled class teacher
Welsh: Athro Economeg Iechyd
English: Professor of Health Economics
Welsh: Athro Emeritws
English: Professor Emeritus
Welsh: Athro Emeritws Trafnidiaeth
English: Emeritus Professor of Transport
Welsh: Athro Er Anrhydedd
English: Honorary Professor
Welsh: athro ethnig leiafrifol
English: ethnic minority teacher
Welsh: Athrofa Addysg Uwch Abertawe
English: Swansea Institute of Higher Education
English: North East Wales Institute of Higher Education
English: Stockholm Environment Institute
English: Welsh Institute of Rural Studies
English: South West Wales Cancer Institute
Welsh: Athrofa Canser Cymru
English: Wales Cancer Institute
Welsh: Athrofa Chwaraeon Cymru
English: Welsh Institute of Sport
Welsh: Athrofa Chwaraeon Cymru
English: WIS
Welsh: Athrofa Datblygu Cynaliadwy
English: Institute for Sustainable Design
Welsh: Athrofa Datblygu Cynaliadwy
English: ISD
English: Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering and Repair
English: University Heads of the Valleys Institute
English: University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
English: UHOVI
English: Universities Heads of the Valleys Institute
English: Institute of Health Services Management
English: Welsh Institute for Minimal Access Therapy
English: CISHE
English: Cardiff Institute of Society and Health
English: Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics
English: Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute
English: Sustainable Places Research Institute
Welsh: athro graddedig cofrestredig
English: graduate registered teacher
Welsh: athro gwadd
English: visiting professor
Welsh: Athro Gwadd Anrhydeddus
English: Honorary Visiting Professor
Welsh: athro heb gymhwyso
English: non-qualified teacher
Welsh: athro heb gymhwyso
English: unqualified teacher
Welsh: Athro Llythrennedd Rhagorol
English: Outstanding Teacher of Literacy
Welsh: Athro Llywodraeth
English: Professor of Government
English: Professor of Governance and Development