76172 results
Results are displayed in alphabetical order.
English: Prevention and Alleviation of Homelessness and Rooflessness
Welsh: atal a lleihau gwastraff
English: waste prevention and minimisation
Welsh: Atal Anhrefn Hinsawdd
English: Stop Climate Chaos
Welsh: atal a rheoli heintiau
English: infection prevention and control
Welsh: atal a rheoli llygredd
English: pollution prevention and control
Welsh: atal a rheoli llygredd
English: PPC
English: Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control
English: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
English: IPPC
Welsh: atal cenhedlu
English: birth control
Welsh: atal cenhedlu
English: contraception
Welsh: atal cenhedlu brys
English: emergency contraception
Welsh: atal cenhedlu hormonaidd
English: hormonal contraception
Welsh: atal clefydau
English: disease prevention
Welsh: atal cofrestriad
English: suspension of registration
Welsh: Atal Cofrestru
English: Suspension of Registration
Welsh: atal cychwynnol
English: primary prevention
Welsh: atal digartrefedd
English: preventing homelessness
English: Preventing Homelessness and Promoting Independence: A Positive Pathway to Adulthood
Welsh: atal dopio
English: anti-doping
Welsh: atal drafftiau
English: draught-proofing
Welsh: atal dros dro
English: suspend
Welsh: atal dros dro
English: suspension
Welsh: atal dros dro
English: stay
Welsh: atal dweud
English: stammer
Welsh: atal dweud
English: stutter
Welsh: atal eilaidd
English: secondary prevention
Welsh: atalfa galed
English: hard stop
Welsh: atalfa wynt
English: windbreak
Welsh: atal gwyngalchu arian
English: anti-money laundering
Welsh: atal HRhC
English: Suspend a DCN
Welsh: atal hunanladdiad
English: suicide prevention
Welsh: ataliad dros dro
English: stay
Welsh: ataliad dros dro
English: suspension
Welsh: ataliad eilaidd
English: secondary suppression
Welsh: ataliad y galon
English: cardiac arrest
Welsh: ataliaeth
English: restraint
Welsh: atal llifogydd
English: flood prevention
Welsh: atalnod llawn
English: full stop
Welsh: atal Rheolau Sefydlog
English: suspend Standing Orders
Welsh: atal stelcio ac aflonyddu
English: anti stalking and harassment
Welsh: atal taliadau
English: exclusion of payments
Welsh: Atal Tân Cymru
English: Firebrake Wales
Welsh: atal troseddu
English: crime prevention
Welsh: atal trydyddol
English: tertiary prevention
Welsh: atalydd cebl
English: cable restraint
Welsh: atalydd cinasau proteinau
English: protein kinase inhibitor
Welsh: atalydd ffosffodiesteras
English: phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Welsh: atalydd hormon
English: hormone-blocker
Welsh: atalydd PARP
English: PARP inhibitor