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English: focused stimulation technique

Welsh: dull ysgogi sy’n hoelio sylw ar agweddau penodol

Part of speech

Noun, Masculine, Singular


Focused stimulation is a technique used by speech therapists to help stimulate child language acquisition... The idea with focused stimulation is to target a particular word, phrase, or grammatical form, and to use it repeatedly while interacting with the child.


Dylai pob ymyriad wedi'i dargedu fod yn seiliedig ar egwyddorion sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth. Ymhlith yr ymyriadau hynny y mae rhyngweithio positif, sy’n canolbwyntio ar y plentyn, rhwng oedolion a phlant, dull o ysgogi sy’n hoelio sylw ar agweddau penodol, amgylcheddau iaith sy'n briodol ar gyfer plant, a chymorth gweledol.