That should change to: Management information provided by schools in Wales on attendance of pupils in maintained schools from 6 September to 24 September 2021.
This is not the latest release in the series: Attendance of pupils in maintained schools
This headline presents information on pupils in attendance in schools during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
The information published for the 2020/21 academic year related to pupils who were physically present on the school premises for at least one school session each day. This allowed us to measure the number of pupils that had direct contact with staff and other pupils at school during this pandemic.
For this current 2021/22 academic year, and following policy decisions on school bubbles and self-isolation we have returned to the definition of pupils in attendance in schools used in our historical statistical publications. This means that the data for this academic year and last one are not strictly comparable.
Analysis of the data for the first few weeks of the autumn term suggests that the current new measure of attendance is around 0.6 percentage points higher than the measure for pupils present used during the previous academic year.
Measuring COVID-19 related absence
In order to measure COVID-19 related absence we use the register codes “[“ (Remote learning due to COVID-19) and “Y” (School-directed absence due to COVID-19). In the published operational guidance for schools these codes are part of the “not required to attend” statistical category but for measuring COVID-19 related absence we have defined them as “authorised absence”. This change is solely for statistical purposes and will allow us to meet the demand for this information by publishing weekly data on COVID-19 related absence.
Figures for COVID-19 related absence do not include pupils who are ill due to COVID-19. These absences are recorded under code “I” (illness).
The register codes that define which pupils are counted as in attendance can be found in Table 8 of the accompanying spreadsheet.
Main points
- An average of 85% of all pupils were in attendance in school over the week of 20 September to 24 September 2021, continuing the downward trend. This data is provisional. The total number of pupils and number of pupils in attendance is expected to increase when the data is revised on 6 October 2021.
- 2.6% of pupils were absent due to a known COVID-19 related reason over the week of 20 September to 24 September 2021.
- An average of 2.3% of all primary pupils and 3.1% of all secondary pupils were absent due to a known COVID-19 related reason between 20 September and 24 September 2021.
- For the week of 20 September to 24 September 2021 there was little difference between the percentage of girls and boys attending school. This is different when compared to the pattern seen in our historical publications, where boys have had lower attendance rates.
- Amongst statutory school age pupils over the week of 20 September to 24 September 2021, the percentage of pupils in attendance was highest for pupils in Year 3 (88%).
- The most common reason for sessions missed during the week of 20 September to 24 September 2021 was illness (code “I”). The number of sessions missed due to illness has more than doubled since the first week of term. The data in this table is a count of half day school sessions missed and is not a count of pupils.
A quality report is in development and will be published as soon as possible.
This data is management information extracted from school management information systems once a week. It covers pupils who were in attendance at maintained nursery, primary, middle, secondary and special schools and includes pupils of all ages. It also includes some pupils from Pupil Referral Units.
This data has not undergone the same level of quality assurance as official statistics and the data may be subject to future revisions. The figures for the latest two weeks should be treated as provisional. Earlier figures are final and are not subject to change.
All 4 nations are publishing regular data on attendance in school. We do not advise making comparisons between the nations due to differences in data collection methods, presentation and definitions.
Background and context
Schools: coronavirus guidance.
National Statistics status
These statistics are not National Statistics and have been produced quickly in response to developing national and local events.
Datasets and interactive tools
Steve Hughes
Telephone: 0300 025 5060
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.
Telephone: 0300 025 8099
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls in Welsh.