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Information on expenditure by local authorities on housing improvement, Disabled Facilities Grants and renewal areas for April 2020 to March 2021.

'Assistance for housing improvement, April 2020 to March 2021' has been revised due to an error identified in the data submitted for Cardiff (which also affects the Wales totals). Revised figures have been included in the ‘Assistance for housing improvement, April 2021 to March 2022’ release and accompanying StatsWales tables. Please note that the ‘Assistance for housing improvement, 2020-21’ release has not been updated.

The period covered by this release (April 2020 to March 2021) was during the first year of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic which saw the introduction of public health measures, including some periods of lockdown. Disruption to local authority services during this period may have impacted the figures. This should be kept in mind, particularly when comparing with previous years’ data.

Main points

  • During 2020-21 the overall expenditure on assistance for housing improvement (including Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs)) was £34.5 million. The majority of local authorities reported a decrease in overall expenditure. It is possible this is due to the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • During 2020-21, 2,511 Mandatory Disabled Facilities Grants, with a total value of £20.2 million, were completed by local authorities in Wales. Compared to 2018-19, this represented a decrease of 37% in the overall value of Mandatory DFGs.


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Craig McLeod

Telephone: 0300 061 5675

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau a gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg / We welcome calls and correspondence in Welsh.


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