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Grant funding to help culture, heritage and sport organisations in Wales deliver anti-racist outcomes.

First published:
3 September 2024
Last updated:

What funding is available?

Capital funding of between £3,000 and £15,000 is available between mid-November 2024 to 14th March 2025. Funding up to £20,00 will be considered for exceptional and compelling applications. 

About the grant

The capital grant helps eligible organisations meet the capital costs of delivering anti-racist outcomes. Examples include:

  • exhibition builds
  • buying display boxes
  • digitisation of collections
  • art Installations
  • cultural heritage preservation
  • cultural and community spaces
  • outreach and engagement activities
  • diversifying and widening collections

Who can apply for the grant?

To apply for funding you should:

  • be an organisation based in Wales / be working with relevant organisations based in Wales, or, whose activity is in Wales
  • be active in the Culture, Arts, Museums, Archives, Libraries, Heritage or Sport sectors / have experience of either engagement or delivery in these sectors
  • be able to buy capital assets by 14 March 2025 and claim by 24 March 2025

Required criteria

The service delivery model should:

  • deliver the goals and actions of the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan
  • meet each of the grant assessment criteria
  • present clear plans to spend the funds before the deadline of 14 March 2025

Full details are available in the grant guidance document.

How to apply

Apply by completing the application form.

Email your completed application form to

The closing date for applications is 5pm on 30 September 2024.

Further details are available in the grant guidance document and application form.

Assessment of bids

The assessment process will include a weighted scoring system. The score weighting is set out in the grant guidance document.

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