Preserving an historic environment that works for Wales’ economy and well-being is at the heart of a new vision unveiled by Minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport, Lord Elis-Thomas.
Priorities for the Historic Environment of Wales sets out how Wales’ historic sites can make a contribution which extends beyond their value to society and to our knowledge of the past.
The vision is based on four interdependent themes:
- Caring for our historic environment – to build on the great strides that we have made in recent years in caring for our irreplaceable historic sites
- Making skills matter – so that we have the skills across the sector to support their conservation
- Cherishing and enjoying our historic environment – to encourage greater access and more active participation in looking after our heritage
- Making our historic environment work for our economic well-being – to fully unleash the contribution the historic environment can make to Wales’ economy
Lord Elis-Thomas will tell Assembly Members:
The historic environment sits at the very centre of our cultural identity as a nation. It tells the story of Wales’ place in the world, from its early beginnings to its role at the heart of the making of the modern world. It’s a precious inheritance that we must care for and pass on to our children to love, cherish and enjoy.
Many observers, both inside and outside Wales, have hailed us for having the most progressive legislation for the protection and management of the historic environment anywhere in the United Kingdom. I am very proud of that.
We now have a real opportunity for our outstanding heritage to be positioned at the centre of our future well-being. Heritage contributes so much to so many of our goals: a healthy and active lifestyle, our economic vitality, opportunities for lifelong learning and skills and a sustainable environment.
The historic environment is at the heart of our sense of pride as a nation – let’s now unlock its potential to form the backbone of local economies, both rural and urban”.