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Commenting on last night’s Newsnight item on the Welsh Language.

First published:
10 August 2017
Last updated:

This was published under the 2016 to 2021 administration of the Welsh Government

Commenting on last night’s Newsnight item on the Welsh Language, Minister for Life Long Learning and Welsh Language said:

The debate displayed some poor judgement and a total lack of knowledge of the Welsh language. Can you imagine the programme asking if the first language of any other group or nation was a hindrance?

The tone was as if the Welsh language had to justify its own existence. Newsnight seemed to have no knowledge of the fact that Welsh is the first language of many people in Wales and all those who do speak Welsh also speak English.

Surely a programme such as Newsnight could have at least found a Welsh speaker to talk about the language, someone with an insight into the language and how it is used everyday.

The questions on bilingualism ‘deterring investment’ and ‘putting off English companies’ displayed a complete ignorance of the modern Welsh economy, the current Welsh language standards we have and the plans we announced yesterday and in recent weeks to grow the language.

Why didn’t they consult BBC Wales colleagues who cover this issue all the time? Wales, only two hours from London, seems to have been treated like a nation far away about whom Newsnight knows little. Newsnight should apologise and offer viewers the informed, considered look at the Welsh language that they deserve.