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Owain Gethin Davies
Adnodd Cyfyngedig

Dear Gethin,

Following Senedd Cymru’s approval of the Final Budget for 2024 to 2025, I am pleased to provide the detail of your funding arrangements.

The 2024 to 2025 cash Grant in Aid settlement for Adnodd will be £1,630,338. A previous indicative budget of £2,070,000 was given to Adnodd for 2024 to 2025. Following discussions between Adnodd and the Partnership Team agreeing a staggered approach to the novation of existing Welsh Government grants and contracts for educational resources, some money will remain with Welsh Government to meet these payments.

Normally the resource budget and cash Grant-in-Aid will be different. As Adnodd is still in its infancy, information needed to split the cash need from the resource budget is not yet available. So, in line with 2023 to 2024 financial year, the initial funding award is based on the cash Grant-in-Aid alone. As this information becomes available during the year, the funding award will be split between the resource budget and the cash Grant-in-Aid in future funding letters.

A strategic group of Deputy Directors has been established within the Education, Culture and Welsh Language Group to work with and support Adnodd to achieve its key objective of securing bilingual education resources to support the Curriculum for Wales and its qualifications. This may lead to additional funding being committed during this financial year. Any additional funding will be discussed and agreed through the Partnership Team and confirmed in subsequent funding letters

Terms and Conditions of Funding

It is expected that Adnodd’s use of the allocated funding for 2024 to 2025 is in keeping with the Strategic priorities for 2023 to 2026 as set out in the remit letter.

As discussed with the Partnership Team, in 2024 to 2025 Adnodd will focus on delivering the following objectives in relation to its agreed overall strategic priorities.

1. Develop Adnodd’s Corporate Objectives

  • Secure effective capability and capacity in relation to corporate governance and services.
  • Recruit and appoint a permanent team of staff.
  • Successfully support new starters with appropriate induction and training and the resources they need to work remotely, including ICT equipment.
  • Develop, launch, and maintain a corporate website for Adnodd.

2. Ensure that relevant, timely resources and supporting materials are available in both Welsh and English, at the same time, to support the Curriculum for Wales and its qualifications

  • Develop and deploy an initial commissioning model to target early priorities agreed with Welsh Government.
  • Receive existing contracts and grants awarded by Welsh Government, and effectively manage the relationship with the contract/grant holders for the remainder of their durations (please see Novation and Payments Schedule).
  • Work with Welsh Government, WJEC and other key stakeholders to identify and commission the resources required to successfully deliver new GCSE qualifications.

3. Provide a quality assurance framework for the commissioning, development and production of resources, ensuring that resources developed are in line with the ethos and core principles of Curriculum for Wales and are fit for purpose

  • Work with stakeholders to co-create and test proposed arrangements for quality assuring resources so that they:
    i. Reflect the Welsh Government guidance (co-constructed and published in 2022) for designing and developing resources and supporting materials
    ii. Align with the intentions of Curriculum for Wales
    iii. Are reviewed and kept up-to-date and relevant

4. Advance the effective promotion, awareness and use of resources

  • Specific objectives for this priority will be detailed in future funding letters.

5. Develop and invest in skills and capacity in creating, sharing and publishing educational resources in Wales

  • Specific objectives for this priority will be detailed in future funding letters.

The Welsh Government Partnership Team will continue to meet regularly with Adnodd colleagues as set out in the Adnodd Framework Agreement.

Funding should be claimed using the relevant documentation provided by the Partnership Team.

I look forward to working with Adnodd and following your progress over the course of the year.

Yours sincerely,

Lynne Neagle AS/MS
Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg
Cabinet Secretary for Education