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Ken Skates MS

Responsibilities of the Cabinet Secretary for Transport and North Wales


In his free time, Ken enjoys running, swimming, hiking and curling as well as having an interest in gardening, art and architectural design. His political interests include skills training, tourism, environmental protection, mental health, sport and fitness and social inclusion.

Ken Skates was born in 1976 in Wrexham, educated at Mold Alun School and went on to study Social and Political Science at Cambridge University.

Professional background

Ken was previously a journalist at the Wrexham Leader newspaper, and a PA to Mark Tami MP.

In 2008, he was elected a community councillor. Ken’s policy interests include manufacturing, mental health, sport and leisure, eliminating poverty and political economy.

Ken was appointed to the Welsh Government as Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology in 2011. He was then appointed Deputy Minister for Culture, Sport and Tourism in 2014 and promoted to Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure in May 2016. Ken was appointed Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport on 21 March 2024.

Writing to Ken Skates