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This project will improve issues with the River Dee bridge.

Region / County:
First published:
20 June 2018
Last updated:


Why we are doing it

The A494 River Dee Bridge is in poor structural condition and needs replacing.

We have looked at a range of options and aim to deliver a scheme that will:

  • ensure the road is suitable for cars, goods vehicles and public transport
  • enable people to walk, cycle or use public transport
  • prioritise safety and minimise the impact of incidents or road closures. 

River Dee bridge

Current progress

In 2018 we consulted on options to replace the A494 River Dee Bridge.

Following our response to the Roads Review we have reviewed our plans, to make sure they are in line with current policy.

We have shortlisted options to replace the bridge, including identifying a best performing option.

We are currently holding a consultation on these options.

Next steps

We will review all feedback and suggestions once the public consultation has closed, and select a preferred option.

We then intend to publish draft Orders and an environmental statement during 2025.

We will also hold public exhibitions where the project team will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Public consultations

We are currently seeking views on our shortlisted options. The consultation will run until 4 March 2025.

An in-person event will also take place at St Andrews Church, 61 Sealand Avenue, Garden City, Queensferry, Deeside, CH5 2HN on the 21 January between 10am and 7pm.

Previously, we held a 12-week public consultation between November 2018 and February 2019.

Consultations are one of the ways we get feedback on a project

Community and online events to explain the project and get your feedback

Reports, environmental statements and plans