This Order comes into force on 29 January 2016.

The A487 Trunk Road (Pwllgoleulas, Gwynedd) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2016 , file type: PDF, file size: 132 KB
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The A487 Trunk Road (Pwllgoleulas, Gwynedd) (40 mph Speed Limit) Order 2016 - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 756 KB
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The effect of the Order is to impose a 40 mph speed limit on a length of the A487 trunk road at Pwllgoleulas, Gwynedd. A 40 mph speed limit is currently in place at this location but due to changes in road layout following the construction of the Porthmadog Bypass and the relocation of signs the existing Order will be revoked and replaced with this new Order to ensure the extents of the restriction are accurate and that enforcement of the speed restriction is not compromised.