This Order comes into force on ****** 201-.
The A487 Trunk Road (Aberaeron, Ceredigion) (40 mph & Part-time 20 mph Speed Limits) Order 201- (draft) , file type: PDF, file size: 220 KB
The A487 Trunk Road (Aberaeron, Ceredigion) (40 mph & Part-time 20 mph Speed Limits) Order 201- (draft) - plan , file type: PDF, file size: 182 KB
The proposed Order will introduce a part-time 20 mph speed limit on a length of the A487 trunk road at Aberaeon, Ceredigion in order to reduce the speed of traffic and promote pedestrian safety near Aberaeron Primary School. It is only expected to apply for limited periods of the day during school term time. A 40 mph speed limit will also be introduced on a length of the A487 trunk road to reduce the speed of traffic on the northbound approach to the school and also introduce a buffer between the 60 mph and part-time 20 mph speed limits, which will safeguard all road users.